Essential SEO Terms to Know


Search Engine Optimisation is a key part of a company's digital strategy. This flashcard deck goes through a list of the most important SEO terms to know if you're keen to boost your site's web traffic.
Micheal Heffernan
Flashcards by Micheal Heffernan, updated more than 1 year ago
Micheal Heffernan
Created by Micheal Heffernan over 8 years ago

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Adwords Google Pay Per Click contextual advertisement program, very common way of basic website advertisement.
Anchor text The text that is clickable on the web page. Having keyword-rich anchor texts helps SEO because Google associates these keywords with the content of your website.
Analytics A program which assists in gathering and analyzing data about website usage. Google analytics is a feature rich, popular, free analytics program.
Backlink A hyperlink on another website that points back to your own website. Backlinks are important for SEO because they directly affect the PageRank of any web page, which influences its search rankings.
Bounce Rate The percentage of users who enter a site and then leave it without viewing any other pages.
Canonical content (duplicate content) Canon = legitimate or official version. It is often nearly impossible to avoid duplicate content, especially with CMSs like Wordpress. However these issues can be dealt with effectively in several ways including - using the noindex meta tag in the non-canonical copies, and 301 server redirects to the canon.
Conversion Achievement of a quantifiable goal on a website. Add clicks, sign ups, and sales are examples of conversions.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) directives or “markup” which are used to add formatting and web functionality to plain text for use on the internet. HTML is the mother tongue of the search engines, and should generally be strictly and exclusively adhered to on web pages.
Inbound links Inbound links to your site from related pages are the source of trust and pagerank.
Keyword The word or phrase that a user enters into a search engine.
Keyword Research The hard work of determining which keywords are appropriate for targeting.
Keyword Density The percentage of words on a web page which are a particular keyword. If this value is unnaturally high the page may be penalized.
Link An element on a web page that can be clicked on to cause the browser to jump to another page or another part of the current page.
Link Building Actively cultivating incoming links to a site. This can greatly enhance a site's ranking performance in search engines.
Meta Tags Like the title tag, meta tags are used to give search engines more information regarding the content of your pages. The meta tags are placed inside the HEAD section of your HTML code, and thus are not visible to human visitors.
NoFollow The nofollow is a link attribute used by website owners to signal to Google that they don’t endorse the website they are linking to. This can happen either when the link is created by the users themselves (e.g., blog comments), or when the link was paid for (e.g., sponsors and advertisers).
Redirect Any of several methods used to change the address of a landing page such as when a site is moved to a new domain, or in the case of a doorway.
SEO Search Engine Optimisation. The process of increasing the number of visitors to a site by achieving high rank in the search results of a search engine.
SERP Search Engine Results Page
Site Map A page or structured group of pages which link to every user accessible page on a website, and hopefully improves site usability by clarifying the data structure of the site for the users.
Time on Page The amount of time that a user spends on one page before clicking off. An indication of content quality and relevance.
Title Tag The title tag is literally the title of a web page, and it’s one of the most important factors inside Google’s search algorithm. Ideally your title tag should be unique and contain the main keywords of your page. You can see the title tag of any web page on top of the browser while navigating it.
Web 2.0 Characterized by websites, which encourage user interaction.
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