Chapter 18 - Marketing mix(Product & Price)


irene floriane
Mind Map by irene floriane, updated more than 1 year ago
irene floriane
Created by irene floriane about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 18 - Marketing mix(Product & Price)
  1. 4Ps
    1. the right PRODUCT
      1. the right PRICE
        1. effective PROMOTION
          1. right PLACE, right time
          2. 4 Cs
            1. CUSTOMER SOLUTION - what's needed to fulfill customers' wants
              1. COST TO CUSTOMER - total cost of production
                1. COMMUNICATION - 2way communication w/customers
                  1. CONVENIENCE - accessible pre-sales info & location to buy product
                  2. CRM - Customer relationship management
                    1. use marketing activities to establish successful customer relationships to achieve & maintain their loyalty.
                    2. HOW - long term relationships
                      1. Targeted marketing
                        1. Cust. service & support
                          1. Provide information
                            1. Social Media
                            2. Products
                              1. Quality
                                1. Durability
                                  1. Peroformance
                                    1. Appearance
                                    2. USP - Unique Selling Point
                                      1. Product differentiation from competitors
                                      2. PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE
                                        1. 1. Introduction
                                          1. 2. Growth
                                            1. 3. Maturity
                                              1. 4. Decline
                                              2. COST BASED PRICING
                                                1. Mark up pricing
                                                  1. Target Pricing
                                                    1. Full Cost
                                                      1. Contribution Cost
                                                        1. Competition based
                                                          1. Perceived value pricing
                                                            1. Price DIscrimination
                                                              1. Dynamic pricing
                                                            2. Pricing Strategies
                                                              1. Penetration Pricing
                                                                1. Market Skimming
                                                                2. Pricing Decisions
                                                                  1. Competition level
                                                                    1. Loss leaders
                                                                      1. Psychological pricing
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