Leisure, Sport and Tourism


Geography SL Flashcards on Leisure, Sport and Tourism, created by Patricia Rothen on 13/04/2013.
Patricia Rothen
Flashcards by Patricia Rothen, updated more than 1 year ago
Patricia Rothen
Created by Patricia Rothen over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Leisure Any freely chosen activity or experience that takes place in non-work time.
Recreation A leisure-time activity undertaken voluntarily and for enjoyment. It includes individual pursuits, organized outings and events, and non-paid sports.
Sport A physical activity involving events and competitions at the national and international scale with professional participants.
Tourism Travel away from home for at least one night for the purpose of leisure. This definition excludes day trips.
Ecotourism Tourism focusing on the natural environment and local communities.
Heritage Tourism Tourism based on a historic legacy (landscape feature, historic building, event)
Sustainable Tourism Tourism that conserves primary tourist resources and supports the livelihoods and culture of local people.
Mass Tourism Organized form of large-scale tourism, in which travel, accommodation, and meals are booked and paid for in advance.
Primary Tourist Resources Pre-existing attractions for tourism or recreation (not built specifically for tourism), including climate, scenery, wildlife, cultural and heritage sites, indigenous people.
Secondary Tourist Resources Include accommodation, catering, entertainment and shopping.
Leakage Economic loss of tourist money, by tourists using companies not owned by the host country, and spending money outside the host country (i.e. cruise ship)
Multiplier Effect When an initial amount of spending (usually by the government) leads to increased spending by tourists and so results in an increase in national income greater than the initial amount of spending.
Carrying Capacity The maximum number of visitors or participants that a site or event can satisfy at one time.
Environmental Carrying Capacity The maximum number before the local environment becomes damaged.
Perceptual Carrying Capacity The maximum number before a specific group of visitors considers the levels of impact, such as noise, to be excessive.
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