Patterns and Change


Geography SL Flashcards on Patterns and Change, created by Patricia Rothen on 12/04/2013.
Patricia Rothen
Flashcards by Patricia Rothen, updated more than 1 year ago
Patricia Rothen
Created by Patricia Rothen over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Annual Growth Rate Crude Birth Rate - Crude Death Rate (in %)
Crude Birth Rate (CBR) The number of births per 1000 people in a population
General Fertility Rate (GFR) The number of births per 1000 women aged 15-49 years
Age-Specific Birth Rate The number of births per 1000 women of any specified age group
Standardized Birth Rate A birth rate for a region on the bases that its age composition is the same as for the whole country
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) The average number of births per 1000 women of childbearing age
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) The number of deaths of children less than 1 year old per 1000 live births
Child Mortality Rate The number of deaths in children under the age of 5 per 1000 children
Crude Death Rate (CDR) The number of deaths per 1000 in a population
Life Expectancy The average number of years that a person can be expected to live from birth, if demographic factors remain unchanged
Population Pyramid Horizontal bar graph displaying any measurable characteristic of the population. This is mostly age and gender.
Doubling Time Length of time it takes for a population to double in size, assuming its natural growth rate remains constant. Doubling Time (in yrs) = 70/growth rate (in %)
Population Momentum The tendency for a population to a) Grow despite a fall in birth rate/fertility rate b) Fall despite a rise in birth rate/fertility rate
Population Projection Prediction about future populations based on trends in fertility, mortality, and migration
Dependency Ratio Measures the working population and the dependent population. = (<15yrs + >64yrs)/(16-64yrs)
Migration The movement of people, involving a change of residence. It may be internal or external and voluntary or forces. It is usually for an extended period (more than a year) and does not include temporary circulations such as tourism/commuting.
Remittances Transfers of money or goods by foreign workers to their home countries
Refugee A person fleeing their home country in order to escape danger
Asylum Seeker A person that seeks refugee status in another country
Illegal Immigrant Person who enters another country without permission and plans to remain there
Internally Displaced Person One that has fled their home but continues to live in their own country
Tenure The way in which the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to land (and property) are held
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