Urban Environments


Geography SL Mind Map on Urban Environments, created by Patricia Rothen on 12/04/2013.
Patricia Rothen
Mind Map by Patricia Rothen, updated more than 1 year ago
Patricia Rothen
Created by Patricia Rothen over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Urban Environments
  1. Urbanization
    1. Centripetal movements
      1. Family Life Cycle
    2. Re-urbanization
      1. Brownfield Site
      2. Counter-urbanization
        1. Centrifugal movements
          1. Suburbanization
            1. Suburbs
              1. Urban Sprawl
          2. Megacity
            1. Shanghai
            2. Central Business District (CBD)
              1. Distance-Decay Principle
                1. Peak Land Value Intersection
                  1. Bid-Rent Theory
                  2. CBD Decline
                  3. City as a SYSTEM
                    1. Sustainable Urban Management Strategy
                      1. Sustainability
                        1. Economic Security
                          1. Social, Cultural, Health Needs
                            1. Minimize Non-Renewable Resources
                              1. Use Finite Renewable Resources Sustainably
                                1. Preserve Green Space
                                  1. Eco-City
                                    1. Urban Ecological Footprint
                                      1. Tokyo (bad)
                                        1. Copenhagen
                                          1. Paris
                                            1. Singapore
                                              1. Mexico City
                                        2. Residential Segregation
                                          1. London
                                            1. Berlin
                                              1. Crime
                                                1. Causes, Consequences
                                              2. Urban Poverty/Deprivation
                                                1. Indices: Physical, Social, Economic, Political
                                                  1. Slums
                                                    1. Formal/Informal Economy
                                                      1. Housing/Overcrowding
                                                        1. Mumbai
                                                          1. Sao Paulo
                                                        2. Land Use Models
                                                          1. Burgess
                                                            1. Hoyt
                                                              1. Harris/Ullman
                                                                1. Distribution of Industry
                                                                  1. New York
                                                                2. Urban Environmental Problems
                                                                  1. MEDCs vs. LEDCs
                                                                    1. Brown Agenda
                                                                      1. Urban Heat Island (UHI)
                                                                        1. Paris, 2003
                                                                          1. Chicago
                                                                            1. San Francisco
                                                                              1. Palm Springs
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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