Core 1.3 Energy Generation, Storage and Use


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Core 1.3 Energy Generation, Storage and Use, created by T Andrews on 26/07/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews over 7 years ago
T Andrews
Copied by T Andrews over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Core 1.3 Energy Generation, Storage and Use
  1. 1.3.1 Sourses
    1. Fossil fuels
      1. Gas


        1. Coal
          1. Oil
          2. Biofuels
            1. Biodiesel
              1. Biomass
              2. Tidal
                1. Wind
                  1. Hydroelectric
                    1. Solar
                    2. 1.3.2 Systems
                      1. Batteries and cells
                        1. Solar cells
                          1. Wind power
                            1. Mains electricity
                            2. 1.3.3 Choice
                              1. Portability of sourse
                                1. Environmental impact
                                  1. Power output
                                    1. Circuit/system connections
                                      1. Cost
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