average commercial pilot salary


Our facility is a FAA Part 141 approved flight school, providing FAA and EASA ATPL flight training. We are auhorized to enroll non-immigrant flight students for M1 Visa flight training. With a state-of-the-art aircraft fleet, our FAA Part 141 first-time pass rate is over 90%. Our commercial pilot training programs are the most competitvely priced flight school courses in the USA and the fastest Commercial and Airline Pilot Program. Our Fast Track CPL is only 111 hours. Learn to fly today!
Official James 54
Note by Official James 54, updated 10 months ago
Official James 54
Created by Official James 54 10 months ago

Resource summary

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average commercial pilot salary  Our facility is a FAA Part 141 approved flight school, providing FAA and EASA ATPL flight training. We are auhorized to enroll non-immigrant flight students for M1 Visa flight training. With a state-of-the-art aircraft fleet, our FAA Part 141 first-time pass rate is over 90%. Our commercial pilot training programs are the most competitvely priced flight school courses in the USA and the fastest Commercial and Airline Pilot Program. Our Fast Track CPL is only 111 hours. Learn to fly today!

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