SEVERE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES: female, very shy, parents have very high aspirations


Mind Map on SEVERE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES: female, very shy, parents have very high aspirations, created by l.alimangohan on 19/08/2013.
Mind Map by l.alimangohan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by l.alimangohan almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

SEVERE LEARNING DIFFICULTIES: female, very shy, parents have very high aspirations
  1. Discrimination: In the past, discrimination and prejudice towards people with disabilities may have been more prevalent; however, it has also been evident in this present time that people with disabilities still experience a hidden or indirect form of discrimination due to some people’s ignorance and misconceptions of the needs and characteristics of people with disabilities. (Discover net; Novita, 2013)
    1. If discriminations is widely prevalent in the child's school environment , shyness may increase and result to a lower self-esteem. It has been found that extremely shy children often have significant struggles with participating in classroom and playgroud situations (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2004). Though her parents may be an effective support network, if other people involved such as educators and school leaders do not respond to these issues promptly and effectively, the child may eventually experience emotional distress and anxiety, increasing the likelihood of the child having further difficulties in learning (ADCET, 2013).
    2. Difficulty in reading social cues: According to Dr. Gilbert (2011), shyness may be “born out of learning disabilities that make it hard for those suffering from disabilities to read social cues”.
      1. Since parents have very high aspirations, they may place very high value on sociability as social skills are essential for a successful future (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2004). However, most parents with high aspirations have been found to be supportive of their children's needs (Jacob, M.J, 2010). This child's parents will most like take the necessary response for her social needs to be met. This is not to say that this would be easy, as anxiety brought about by insecurities from academic limitations may increase social anxiety depending on the child's resources, support network and school environment.
      2. Discouragement: school retention rates of those with disability are known to be lower, especially if the child is of an Indigenous background (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011). This may be attributed to poor academic outcomes decreasing the child's self-efficacy and motivation to learn at her personal best. However, as the child's parents have high aspirations, the issues surrounding possible feelings of discourragement may be avoided or significantly lessened. High parental aspirations will most likely increase the child's belief in her abilities and result to positive outcomes if parental aspirations and expectations are communicated to the child effectively and in a supportive manner (Jacob, 2010).
        1. Possible feelings of pressure and frustration: Although some researchers believe that high parental aspirations for their children’s educational attainment are critical factors for academic achievement (Jacob, 2010), the limitations of students with severe learning disabilities are still clearly evident and known to them (ADCET, 2013). This may lead to feelings of frustration especially when these students begin to notice the differences in the amount of effort they need to exert in processing certain information and achieving certain tasks compared to other students without severe learning difficulties.
          1. Anxiety: People with learning difficulties have "deficiencies in short-term memory and cognitive processing limitations" (ADCET, 2013). This means that students may have difficulties in understanding assessment outcomes and directions along with struggling from poor visual memory and spatial skills. These deficiences may lead to a lot of possible implications such as difficulties in reading, in achieving coherence in writing and in interpreting abstract mathematical concepts. As a result, the student may most likely have experiences of information overload and confusion from grasping certain concepts that cant be translated into acceptable words or structures. Such struggles may lead to heightened anxieties during class presentations,performances and assessments (ADCET, 2013; Novita, 2013)
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