Of mice and men quotes(2)


Note on Of mice and men quotes(2), created by Harman Rai on 15/05/2014.
Harman Rai
Note by Harman Rai, updated more than 1 year ago
Harman Rai
Created by Harman Rai almost 11 years ago

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Of mice and Men quotesGeorge; 'if I was alone I could live easy''We kinda look after each other''You hadda, George. I swear you hadda''You keep away from Curley, Lennie'Slim; 'couldn't feed that many''understanding beyond thought''there was gravity in his manner....all talk stopped when he spoke''His hands large and lean'Lennie; 'he's strong''a nice fella''the way a bear drags his paws''I didn't want no trouble'Candy; 'grinning with delight''Tall, stoop shouldered old man''a drag-footed sheep dog, grey of muzzle and with pale, blind old eyes' Curley; 'wont ever get canned''cause his old mans the boss''I don't like Curley he ain't a nice fella' 'Curley says he's keeping that hand soft for his wife' Curley's wife; 'She was very pretty and simple,and her face was sweet and young''You know what I can do to you if you open your trap''tart''jail bait'Crooks; 'stable buck''busted''hell''busted back' 

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