Geography: Population


Key Terms for Geography Population
Flashcards by ameliaalice, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ameliaalice almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Birth Rate The number of live births per 1000 people, per year.
Death Rate The number of deaths per 1000 people, per year.
Fertility Rate The average number of children a woman will have between the ages of 15 and 44 (reproductive age).
Infant Mortality Rate The number of children (out of every 1000 born alive) who die before their first birthday.
Life Expectancy (Longevity) The average age (in years) a person can expect to live.
Migration Rate The difference between the number of people who migrate in (immigrants), and the number of people who migrate out (emigrants) per 100,000 (or 1000) of the population, per year.
Population Density The number of people per square kilometre. It's the total population of an area divided by the size of the area.
Natural Change The change in population (increase or decrease), because of the difference between the birth rate and the death rate.
Zero Growth Rate The population is neither increasing nor decreasing (e.g. birth rate = death rate).
Stage 1 of the DTM High birth rate and high death rate. - Birth and death rate fluctuate at a high level: the population remains stable but low. - Birth rate is high because there's no birth control or family education, and education is poor. -Its' also high because there's a high infant mortality, so more people have more children to replace those who've died. - Death Rate is high due to poor health care, sanitation and disease.
Stage 2 of the DTM High birth rate, death rate falls. - Death rate falls, but birth rate remains high- rapid population increase. -Still little birth control, family planning or education. -Children needed for labour. -Death rate falls and life expectancy increases due to better health care, sanitation and diet.
Stage 3 of the DTM Birth rate falls rapidly and the death rate a little. -Population increases slowly. -Birth rate decreases due to birth control, family planning and better education. - Fewer children needed for labour. -Women choose work over children. -Population policies introduced.
Stage 4 of the DTM Low birth rate and low death rate. - Birth and death rate fluctuate at a low level- the population remains stable but high. -Birth rate low due to increased demand and access to luxuries like holidays and material possessions. Less money for children.
Stage 5 of the DTM Birth rate drops below death rate. - Birth rate declines further but the death rate remains stable. - Birth rate decrease due to the expenses of children and the burden of elder relatives. -Death rate remains steady as there's more elders to die, despite advances in health care.
Push Factors - Things that make people want to move out of the place they're in. They're negative factors about the place they're leaving, e.g. lack of jobs or poor living conditions and services, fear of political persecution.
Pull Factors - These attract people to a new place. They're positive factors about the place they're moving to, e.g. better jobs and more job opportunities, better living conditions and services.
Internal Migration - Migration within a country.
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