

Note on British , created by PITTY Uchira on 29/06/2020.
PITTY Uchira
Note by PITTY Uchira, updated more than 1 year ago
PITTY Uchira
Created by PITTY Uchira about 4 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Olá pessoas, bem vindos/as a minha pasta sobre inglês. Caroline is a student form Venezuela, she is living in Brith and whats to see her family all the time.  she lives whith her friend Emily, Carolina is unhappy and ill.  Jame is her boyfriend and he did not khow she is ill. Emily was orgnazing carolina  imperative form to informe things to do.  counsellor =  appointment =  foreigner =  gate =  feed =  seatbelts  push=  escalator =  glass=  spelling=  bring=  hair`s wet =  pick=  brush=  get dressed=   Never walk under a ladder  if you spill salt, always throw some of it over your soulder.  for good luck, hang a horseshoes on your front door.  never pen an umbrella indoors.  when you see a falling star, make a wish.  when you want something to happen, keep your fingers crossed. never wish a actor "good luck" before a performance.  on the first day of the month =, say " white rbbits". on your birthday, blow out the candles on your cake wth one blow, and your wish will come true.       

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