Krok solving strategy


Mind Map on Krok solving strategy, created by Ali Almudarsy on 25/06/2017.
Ali Almudarsy
Mind Map by Ali Almudarsy, updated more than 1 year ago
Ali Almudarsy
Created by Ali Almudarsy almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Krok solving strategy
  1. step 1. Read the answers faster and attentively
    1. step 2-look with attention for first line of the question e.g :- the patient 32 y.o...
      1. step 3-look with attention for last line of the question e.g what is diagnosis ?
        1. step 4-Select the correct answer and shadow of cycle (30 second)
          1. I know it
            1. faster do step 1
              1. faster do step 2
                1. faster do step 3
                  1. faster do step 4
                  2. I don't know it
                    1. leave it later
                      1. I have idea
                        1. Step 1.
                          1. Step 2.
                            1. Step 3.
                              1. Step 4.
                              2. I have n't idea
                                1. a stroke of luck
                            2. I doubt it
                              1. doubt 50 %
                                1. First answer in your mind
                                2. doubt 100%
                                  1. Step 1.
                                    1. Step 2.
                                      1. Step 3.
                                        1. Step 4.
                                      2. Time =4 hr ( 3.30 hr + 30 min)
                                        1. 30 minutes = reviews your paper(shadow point)
                                          1. 3.30 hr = your exam ( step 1,2,3,4 )
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