The Normans


Junior Certificate History Mind Map on The Normans, created by Shane Buckley on 21/04/2014.
Shane Buckley
Mind Map by Shane Buckley, updated more than 1 year ago
Shane Buckley
Created by Shane Buckley over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Normans
  1. Feudal System
    1. King
      1. Earl
        1. Baron
          1. Peasant(Serf)
        2. Bishop
          1. Knight
            1. Peasant(Serf)
          2. Abbot
            1. Knight
              1. Peasant(Serf)
        3. Castles
          1. Motte and Bailey
            1. Stone Keep
              1. Walls
                1. Could be over 60 meters tall
                  1. Could be around 5 meters thick
                    1. Slit Windows for archers
                2. Origins
                  1. Vikings settled in normandy
                    1. Invaded and settled England and Wales
                    2. Diarmuid MacMurrough
                      1. Went to Henry II
                        1. Henry II Sent Normans
                          1. Richard de Clare(Strongbow)
                            1. Maurice Fitz-Gerald
                              1. Robert Fitz-Stephen
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