

Ancient Mesopotamia
Bridget McKenna
Mind Map by Bridget McKenna, updated more than 1 year ago
Bridget McKenna
Created by Bridget McKenna over 8 years ago

Resource summary



  • The first known civilization.
  1. Religion


    • Below is a link that explores Mesopotamian religion in more depth.
    1. Polytheism


      • the belief in multiple Gods. Ancient Mespotamians prayed to more than 50 gods.
      1. Anu


        • represented the sky and was considered to be the lead god.
        1. Enki


          • represented water and was considered to be the "friendly god" among them. 
          1. Marduk


            • Represented storms, war and kings. He was considered to be the mean god. In ancient myth, he sends a flood down to Earth to kill all the humans, but his plan goes wrong.
            1. Ishtar


              • the goddess representing love, fertility, and war. She prevents Marduk from killing all humans with his flood.
          2. Writing System
            1. Cuneiform


              • the first known writing system. This writing system was written by cutting reed tips from marshes at an angle to make a pen. Writing was done by pressing and forming letters on a flat piece of clay. Below is a link to a video that includes an activity that examines the Cuneiform alphabet and shows you how to write your name in the language.
              1. Deciphering the language


                • Today, Cuneiform tablets that are found are deciphered using the Behistun inscription, which is found in modern day Iran
            2. Education and Schools
              1. Edubba


                • The Edubba was the name of primary and secondary school in Ancient Mesopotamia. It was a place of learning where archives and literature were stored on clay tablets.
                1. Primary School


                  • Only boys could attend school and they learned reading, writing, math and history.
                  1. Secondary School


                    • Depending on their future career, boys learned a variety of subjects. They learned about law,  medicine, geography, zoology, botany, engineering and architecture.
                  2. Subjects
                    1. Space


                      • The Mesopotamians were very interested astronomy, astrology, and created the first planetariums. 
                      1. Architecture


                        • The Mesopotamians created the first arches in recorded existence.
                        1. Crafting


                          • Mesopotamian craftspeople were primarily glassmakers, jewelers, metalsmiths, and stone masons.
                      2. Laws
                        1. Code of Hammurabi


                          • Harsh laws created by the ruler, Hammurabi. The laws are carved on an eight feet tall black stone, called a stele. The stele can now be found in the Louvre.  Below is a link that goes into more detail about Hammurabi's laws.
                          1. Punishments


                            • - The rich and famous typically received lighter punishments. - Examples: If an architect builds a home badly and it collapses on the owner, they will be put to death.  - If a physician kills a patient, they will lose their working hand through legal mutilation. 
                        2. Class System
                          1. Social Structure


                            • At the top of the hierarchy was the ruler. He was then followed by important nobles and high priests. Following them would be commoners in the middle class, such as craftspeople and merchants. At the bottom of the hierarchy would be slaves and peasants. 
                          2. Men and Women
                            1. Men


                              • When people first began setting down instead of hunting and gathering, men were tasked with domesticating and raising animals. As time went on, society became more patriarchal. 
                              1. Women


                                • Below is a link provided by the University of Chicago that goes into more depth about the roles of women in Mesopotamia. 
                                1. Jobs


                                  • At first, the job of the women was to gather and plant seeds for crops. As time passed, women began working more and more in the home.
                                  1. Women's Rights


                                    • Although they weren't allowed to attend school, noblewomen in Mesopotamia were allowed to divorce easily, buy property that they could pass on and own businesses. Women who wished to receive an education had to be taught at home either by a parent or a hired tutor. There was also legal protection in place for noblewomen. 
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