Athens VS Sparta


Athens and Sparta are two very different city-states. This Mind Map shows the major differences between them including their government, economy, education, and their treatment of women and slaves.
Ariam Habtemariam
Mind Map by Ariam Habtemariam, updated more than 1 year ago
Ariam Habtemariam
Created by Ariam Habtemariam over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Athens VS Sparta
  1. Government
    1. Athens
      1. All Athenian-born men over the age of 18 were considered Athenian citizens and could vote.
        1. Citizens could take part in the government in the council of 500.
          1. Proposed laws were approved in an assembly by voting on it.
          2. Sparta
            1. Sparta's ruling power was in the hands of a few people called the Council of Elders. Their government was dedicated to military strength.
              1. The assembly of Sparta did not debate issues. They only could vote yes or know on laws made by the Council of Elders.
                1. In order to be part of the Council of Elders, men had to be at least 60 years old and from a noble family.
              2. Education
                1. Sparta
                  1. Girls and boys were trained for battle. They were to have discipline and strength.
                    1. From age 7, Spartans trained for battle. Spartan boys had to experience pain and hunger.
                      1. Spartan Goal: To be a brave soldier.
                      2. Athens
                        1. Boys were taught by their mother until 6 or 7 and went to school at 14. At school they were taught to be healthy and smart.
                          1. Girls grew up at home helping their mothers with housework.
                            1. Athens goal: To become good citizens
                          2. Economy
                            1. Athens
                              1. Athens economy was based on trade. They traded with other city-states in Greece..
                                1. Athens developed it's own coin system so trade would be easier.
                                  1. Athens bought and sold goods at a marketplace called the agora.
                                  2. Sparta
                                    1. Sparta's economy was based on farming and conquest of other people.
                                      1. Helots (Spartan slaves) had to work and get goods.
                                        1. Spartan's discouraged trading and used iron bars instead of coins.
                                      2. Treatment of Women and Slaves
                                        1. Sparta
                                          1. Spartan women lived the same simple lives as Spartan men.
                                            1. Helots or Spartan slaves were treated harshly, but they still had some rights. They were allowed to marry whoever they wanted, pass names to children, and even sell leftover crops after giving their owner his fair share. Some could even buy their freedom.
                                              1. Spartan women had many rights other Greek women did not have.
                                              2. Athens
                                                1. Women could not vote or attend the assembly.
                                                  1. Athenian slaves had to have skill and were harshly punished if rested.
                                                    1. Few Athenian women had jobs. They mostly managed the household and raised their children.
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