Karl Marx and Marxism


Mind Map on Karl Marx and Marxism, created by danjak11 on 05/07/2016.
Mind Map by danjak11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by danjak11 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Karl Marx and Marxism
  1. Marxist family functions- Serve capitalism through different means 1. Primary Socialistation, capitalist beliefs installed at birth 2. Warm bath theory, family is to exorcise male anger about exploitation in the capitalist system 3. Nuclear families solve the problem of inheritance due to the fact wealth can be passed down now thorugh generations
    1. Athiesm is a inseperable ideology of Marxist beliefs, he described religion to be the opium of the people, by doing this comparing it to a drug, which can keep the people at ease with a worse life, and stops any idea of an uprising which could make things fairer.
      1. Karl Marx was a German, Philosopher, Sociologist and Economist. And the father of the Communist Manifesto and Marxism
        1. Marx famously concluded that religion was a ideological weapon, used by the bourgeoise to justify the suffering of the poor as the work of God.
          1. Marxism and Education- Cultural reproduction, puts
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