Numerical Stat Tests


Stat Tests Mind Map on Numerical Stat Tests, created by Keith Walker on 26/04/2013.
Keith Walker
Mind Map by Keith Walker, updated more than 1 year ago
Keith Walker
Created by Keith Walker over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Numerical Stat Tests
  1. 1 group
    1. 1 sample from a frame and 1 variable
      1. Parametric
        1. 1 sample t-test
          1. Compares means. H₀: μ = μ₁
            1. example:
        2. Non-Parametric
          1. Wilcoxon signed ranks test
            1. ranks values/differences ignoring signs. H₀; Median difference =0
              1. Example:
      2. 2 Groups
        1. Paired
          1. Parametric
            1. Paired t-test
              1. Compare the mean of the diferences between the two measurements. If =0 then two groups the same. H₀; μ of diffs = 0
                1. Example: Recruits with tooth decay at onset and 1 year later. Or Case Control study
            2. Non-parametric
              1. Wilcoxon signed ranks test
                1. Rank the differences, ignoring signs. H₀; differences between -ve and +ve =0
            3. Independent
              1. Parametric
                1. unpaired t-test
                  1. compare means of the two samples. H₀: means in both groups equal
                2. Non-Parametric
                  1. Wilcoxon rank sum test. Mann Whitney U test
                    1. Sum the ranks in the two groups and compare
              2. >2 Groups
                1. Parametric
                  1. ANOVA
                    1. between group variance (a) should equal within group variance (b) under the Null. ie HOMOSCDASTIC
                      1. Therefore H₀: a = b. H₁: a > b
                        1. Based on F -Ratio
                  2. Non-parametric
                    1. Kruskal-Wallis test
                      1. Same as Wilcoxon rank sum but take into account sample sizes
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