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Barton on sea case study
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coastal management
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Cafe owners
car parking spaces have been cordoned off
no engineering in place - want sea wall
part of beach is inaccessible
Property owners
want more than just managed retreat
house won't sell
pay taxes to council to maintain area
local councillors
managed retreat
money should be spent on other things
ineffective hard engineering previously
Nash holiday village
want hard engineering
area is dangerous and fenced off - have to move mobile homes from cliff edge
natural approach
Engineering companies
managed retreat only option due to geology
Groynes at Bournemouth starving Barton's beaches
Coastal management
Hard engineering
1964 - New forest council spend 1 million on protecting 1800m with 16 wooden groynes, cliff draining system, rock armour and steel piles
failed - large slumping events
1985 - wooden groynes replaced with 7 rock armoured groins (more durable and cost efficient reducing LSD)
1991- timber revetments replaced by 1800m long rock revetment designed to last 30 years
1995 - fan shaped drains put in cliff and cliff regraded
1974 - timber revetments put in
Soft engineering and Managed retreat
vegetation defences - slow cliff retreat and prevent slumping
2007 - some areas protected by beach nourishment
new building on coast built with improved drainage to reduce ground water build up
2007 - MR adopted in areas of low value and where defences no longer work
Social effects
lost homes
reduced access for recreation - loss of money (clifftop path closed due to slumping)
Economic effects
businesses such as clifftop cafe lost
buildings in barton court will be lost within 10-20 years - reduces market value
beach access road closed - reduces visitors and money for economy
Naish holiday park - regularly has to move mobile homes away from edge
Environmental effects
beach, cliff and woodland habitats threatened by movement
Physical causes
Rock type - slumping due to water sitting on top of impermeable cliff
Large fetch
destructive waves with high energy hit soft cliffs
Rising sea levels
storminess - waves hit soft rock
abrasion and hydraulic action
Human causes
Coastal management
groynes at Bournemouth starve beach of sediment
Offshore dredging
starves Barton of sediment
Human settlement
Buildings load slope
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