Social Responsibility of Business to Stakeholders


Mind Map for Social Responsibility. Unit 6
Paul Neary
Mind Map by Paul Neary, updated more than 1 year ago
Paul Neary
Created by Paul Neary over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Social Responsibility of Business to Stakeholders
  1. Investors
    1. Provide Capital
      1. Deserve accurate financial information
        1. Entitled to dividends
        2. Make informed decisions
        3. Employees
          1. Make the business tick
            1. Fair wage for their work
              1. Safe work environment
                1. Example: ESB 2006
              2. Suppliers
                1. Provide goods + materials
                  1. Paid on time and fully
                    1. Fair price
                    2. The Body Shop
                    3. Customers
                      1. Buy goods + services
                        1. Deserve quality
                          1. Fair prices
                            1. Fair treatment
                        2. Government
                          1. Offer grants
                            1. Improve infrastructure
                              1. Maintain low taxes
                            2. Obey laws
                              1. Pay taxes in full and on time
                            3. Local Communities
                              1. Protect local environment
                                1. Buy local
                                  1. Hire local
                                    1. Examples
                                      1. IKEA
                                        1. Lidl
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