"The idea of dying, of no longer being, began to
fascinate me. Not to exist any longer. [...] My father's
presence was the only thing that stopped me. [...] What
would he do without me? I was his only support." Page 92-93
How is this contrasting or
First, with the suicidal thoughts as one would
expect survival to top priority, so suicidal thoughts
are contrasting with human nature. Second, when
he contradicts his dismay with determination to
survive only so he may support his father
How does this answer
the question?
It shows how much Elie
cares about his father
and that he is willing to
forgo peace and the end
of his suffering to help
his father
Situation Analysis
Why didn't he?
He felt he had a
duty to support
his father
Why was he ready to die?
Life was so painful it
would be easier to die
and find peace
"We were masters of nature, masters of the world. We had
forgotten everything-death, fatigue, our natural needs.
Stronger than cold or hunger, stronger than the shots and
the desire to die, condemned and wandering, mere numbers,
we were the only men on earth." Page 93
Situation Analysis
Why does he think this?
Because the men were able to push
past all things that nature would
expect or require and just keep
How is this contrasting or
The passage states that they were 'masters'
or rulers of something. This is contrasting
because the last thing you expect him to
think is that he is a master of anything.
How does this answer the
It shows a way Elie saw himself in
a community with the other
prisoners. "WE were masters..."
Tough Questions
None found
AHA Moment
"A terrible thought loomed up in my
mind: he had wanted to get rid of his
father!" Page 97
How does this answer the question?
Further on in the passage it shows
how close him and his father are and
how much he cared for him. That he
would never leave his father like that.
Situation Analysis
Why did the rabbi's son
abandon him?
He felt it was his one chance to find
freedom so that he could survive longer
without his father's dead weight.
Ironicly, he died.
How is this a 'AHA moment'?
Elie realized that Rabbi Eliahou's son has
wanted to get seperated from his father so
that he could be free of him
Words of the Wiser
"'Not here... Get up... A little farther
on. There's a shed over there... come
on.'" Page 94
How does this answer the question?
This reveals that the supporting relationship
Elie had with his father was not entirely one
sided. They stuck together and helped
eachother survive.
How is this the 'words of the wiser'?
It is spoken by Elie's father and although it may not
seem to be all too important or philosophical is
does save Elie's life be keeping him from freezing to
death in his sleep as easily.
Situation analysis
Why does his father say this?
If he didn't Elie would die ,
freezing in the snow.
Again & Again
Death, dead, dying
How does this occur 'again and again'?
Over and over death is mentioned, seen,
smelt, felt, and even desired. Making it an
obvious example.
How does this answer the question?
It shows how the characters, Elie
specificly have a sort of relationship
with death. Either though their god,
their experiences, or even themselves.
This reveals the nature of the story,
which is a sad one, and centered on
Situation analysis
Why Death?
Death is such a part of this book,
to ignore it would be to ignore
most of the book. In this book the
characters are shaped and
developed by facing death over
and over again.