Human Resource Management (HRM)


Mindmap of HRM
Mind Map by niamhmd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by niamhmd about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Human Resource Management (HRM)
  1. Manpower Planning
    1. Forecast Future Demand
      1. Calculate Existing Supply
        1. Recruitment/Redundancy
        2. Recruitment and Selection
          1. 1. Prepare a Job Description
            1. 2. Prepare a Person Specification
              1. 3. Encourage Suitable Candidates to Apply
                1. 4. Screening
                  1. 5. Selection Tests
                    1. 6. Interview
                      1. 7. Check References
                        1. 8. Offer the Job
                        2. Training and Development
                          1. Induction Training
                            1. On-The-Job Training
                              1. Off-The-Job Training
                                1. Development
                                2. Performance Appraisal
                                  1. 1. Targets are set
                                    1. 2. Regular Monitoring
                                      1. 3. Formal Appraisal Form
                                        1. 4. Formal Meeting
                                        2. Pay and Rewards
                                          1. Financial Rewards
                                            1. Basic Wage
                                              1. Hourly Rate
                                                1. Piece Rate
                                                  1. Commission
                                                    1. Bonus
                                                      1. Benefits-in Kind (BIK)
                                                        1. Profit Sharing
                                                        2. Non-Financial Rewards
                                                          1. Improved Working Conditions
                                                            1. Job Enlargement
                                                              1. Job Enrichment
                                                            2. Employer/Employee Rewards
                                                              1. Regular Open Communications
                                                                1. Grievance Procedures
                                                                  1. Training
                                                                    1. Careful Selection
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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