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Japan's ageing population
A short mindmap with the causes, advantages, disadvantages and solutions to do with the Japan Case Study in the population topic of the GCSE Curriculum
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case study
ageing population
Mind Map by
Jinwoo Yoon
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
about 9 years ago
Copied by
Jinwoo Yoon
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
Japan's ageing population
Higher GDP
Healthy diet
Women having children at an older age
Strict Immigration Policies
Average age of marriage increasing
However, Falling Marriage Rates
Higher proportion of women in employment
210 doctors per 1000 people
Higher quality healthcare
Older people can also help maintain cultures & religions by passing down knowledge
Older people have more time on their hands and can contribute to society
An ageing population may result in lower interest rates and lower inflation
Older people often have higher accumulated savings per head
The 'Grey Pound' or the 'Grey Boom' effect
Increase in technology designed to help the elderly
The county's work-force decreases
Less economic growth
Increased demand to provide care homes and hospitals for the elderly
Stress put on families to take care of their elderly relatives
Healthcare more expensive
Worries about funding pensions
Major changes to previous laws, especially immigration
OLder people do not exactly have skills in technology which is important in modern day society
Increase retirement age
Cut money to be spent on education
Bring in workers from abroad
Develop more technologies
Encourage child birth (e.g- Singapore)
Make people create private pensions
Encourage the younger generation to work in healthcare
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