Rickshaw Bank


This is a case study of rickshaw bank of Dr. Pradeep Sharma
Govind Sharma0886
Mind Map by Govind Sharma0886, updated more than 1 year ago
Govind Sharma0886
Created by Govind Sharma0886 over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Rickshaw Bank
  1. Founder: Dr. Pradeep Sarmah and CRD (anNGO)
    1. Founder Dr Pradeep Sharma and CRD
      1. How idea born?
        1. DR. Sarmah travelled in a man rickshaw,
          1. He chat and found they do not own it
            1. No financial security
            2. Did it find an issue?
              1. Yes
                1. Social problem address
                  1. Economic empowerment
                    1. Better rickshaw
                      1. How it addressed the problem
                        1. Micro leasing
                          1. Insurance to the passenger, rickshaw puller
                    2. What does it do
                      1. Rickshaw Bank provides a means of self-employment to the poor and the marginalized rickshaw community by offering a “rent-to-own” financing option for rickshaws
                      2. What social innovation it did?
                        1. Micro leasing
                          1. Expanded category
                            1. Redesigned constantly with IIT
                              1. Momo, school, garbage, solar, fish, vegetable carts
                              2. Business model
                                1. Not for profit
                                  1. Hybrid
                                    1. For profit
                                      1. Sustainable development
                                      2. Sustainability
                                        1. Target population: 8Million rickshaw puller
                                          1. Offering add on services
                                            1. Challenges
                                              1. Threat from competitors
                                                1. Government regulations
                                                  1. Payment default
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                                                1 comment

                                                almost 9 years ago
                                                Hi ... I am Dr. Sarmah the founder of the Rickshaw Bank .... it looks good..... but there are spelling mistake... and I am not able to recognise you.... please communicate with me at 9818863727...and I need a copy of the same for my presentation too....


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