Training Budget & Government Initiatives_1


Mind Map by karendubu, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by xavierlee96 over 9 years ago
Copied by karendubu over 9 years ago
Crystal Kok
Copied by Crystal Kok over 9 years ago
Copied by karendubu over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Training Budget & Government Initiatives
  1. Training Budget
    1. It is a primarily a financial plan that sets forth the resources necessary to meet the pre-set training goals
      1. It is the investments the organisation placed in the training program.
        1. Important to ensure that the amount of resources placed is worth it
      2. Categories of Budgeting
        1. Salaries
          1. Staff Development
            1. Outside Vendors
              1. Consultants
                1. Furniture & Equipments
                  1. Occupancy
                    1. Marketing
                      1. Communications
                        1. Supplies
                          1. Travel
                            1. Entertainment, F&B
                            2. Elements of a Good training budget
                              1. Being Comprehensive
                                1. Budget for the actual training needs in the business
                                  1. Prioritise training needs
                                    1. Use e-materials to maximise training budget
                                  2. Government Initiatives
                                    1. Singapore Workforce Development Agency aims to help workers advance in their careers and lives by developing and strengthening skills-based training
                                      1. Available Grants
                                        1. Enterprise Training Support Grant
                                          1. Raise employees’ productivity and skills level
                                            1. Attract and retain valued employees through development of good HR and management systems/practices tied to training
                                              1. Who can qualify?
                                                1. All organisations, companies, societies and non-profit organisations registered or incorporated in Singapore are eligible to apply for the scheme.
                                                  1. Organisations who have tapped on government assistance schemes in the past, for similar funding components, may not qualify for some specific grant components.
                                                    1. Types of Grants
                                                      1. Training Grant up to $200,000 per organisation
                                                        1. Capability Grant – One-time of $20,000 per organisation
                                                          1. Curriculum Contextualization and Alignment Grant – Up to $52,000 per organisaion
                                                            1. HR Development Grant – Up to $60,000 per organisation
                                                              1. Compensation and Benefits System Review Grant – Up to $15,000 per organisation
                                                          2. Workfare Training Support Scheme
                                                            1. Who can qualify?
                                                              1. Singapore Citizen ; Aged 35 years and above; Earn monthly income of not more than $1900; Have signed up for any WTS courses
                                                                1. Singapore Citizen; Monthly income of not more than $1900; Do not have O level english OR Workplace Literacy and Numeracy level 4
                                                                  1. Coverage
                                                                    1. 95% course fees and absentee payroll funding when signing up for WSQ courses, part-time ITE, NITEC, higher NITC, part-time Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Specialist Diploma
                                                                      1. 100% course fee funding for WSQ OR 95% absentee payroll funding of wage OR Milestone award of $200 for each literacy/numeracy improvement (max$600)
                                                                    2. Encourage organisations to sponsor lower wage employees for training to upgrade their skills and to improve business performance
                                                                      1. Lower training costs and more training choices
                                                                        1. More support for basic skills training
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