Waves form due to the transfer of
energy and the action of the wind.
3 factors affect the energy:
1 The distance
the wind has
been blowing.
2 The speed the
wind is travelling.
The length of time the
wind has been blowing.
Destructive waves
Have high energy
Large fetch
Strong backwash,
weak swash
for erosion.
Constructive waves
Have low energy
Weak backwash,
Strong Swash
for deposition
Coastal Processes and landforms
Erosions and weathering
Wears away
the rock.
Erosional process
Abrasion (pebbles hit the
cliff wearing it away),
Corrosion (the dissolving of
the rock), Hydraulic action
(waves hit cliffs forcing air
into cracks, breaking the
rock), Attrition (pebbles
becoming rounder.
Mass movement large sections of
the cliff collapse due to weathering.
and rockfall
Wave cut platform (areas
of flat rock at the bases
created by erosion.
Erosional coastal landforms
and bays
Mixture of soft and
hard rock the sort
rock erodes fastter
creating your bay
leaving your hard
rock creating a
Caves, arches,
stacks and stumps.
Longshore drift
Breach sediment transported
along the coast line by waves.