Non-Expert - Good: Blue Moon


Mind Map on Non-Expert - Good: Blue Moon, created by Shai Rasmussen on 09/09/2013.
Shai Rasmussen
Mind Map by Shai Rasmussen, updated more than 1 year ago
Shai Rasmussen
Created by Shai Rasmussen about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Non-Expert - Good: Blue Moon
  1. High Quality
    1. MidLevel Brand
      1. Marketing
        1. Not as good as Bud
          1. Packaging
            1. Easy to Remember
              1. Blue & Moon
                1. Can & Bottle
              2. Adult
                1. Dinner
                  1. Restaurant
                    1. Not Frat Party
                      1. Not Pretentions
                      2. Seasonal Versions
                        1. intermediary Quality

                          Media attachments

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