Cold War [1]: WWII & Conferences & Stalinisation


WWII, Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings, Yalta and Potsdam, Stalinsation of Eastern Europe
Marcelo Arenas
Mind Map by Marcelo Arenas, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcelo Arenas
Created by Marcelo Arenas almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Cold War [1]: WWII & Conferences & Stalinisation
  1. Yalta Conference [12 Feb 1945]
    1. Before the end of the war; the big 3 meet up in Yalta (on the coast of the black sea) on the 12th of February to discuss what would happen to Germany after the war.
      1. Although there were tensions about Poland they agreed on things such as:
        1. Splitting Germany into four zones
          1. USSR agrees to join the war against Japan
            1. USSR could take some land from Poland (which would become Eastern Poland
              1. To hunt down nazi war criminals
                1. To create democratic institutions of their choice
                  1. Germany's reparations
              2. Potsdam Conference [July 1945]
                1. After Germany had been defeated, Roosevelt died and Churchill lost the election. This meant the new leaders would have lots of disagreements with Stalin
                  1. There were many disagreements
                    1. Truman was different to Roosevelt; he hated communism and was suspicious of Stalin
                      1. Truman drops the atomic bomb so that Japan would surrender before Russian troops could go into Japan. America had the bomb in July but didn't tell Stalin about it; making him furious
                        1. Arguments over the number of reparations Russia wanted to take.
                    2. Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings
                      1. To end the war quickly; the USA dropped 2 atomic bombs on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki
                        1. The US dropped the 2 bombs to boast towards the USSR about how powerful weapons they had
                          1. They tested them in New Mexico to see if they worked first.
                            1. It was easier to nuke Japan and kill 100,000 civilians than to invade it and cause further death
                              1. Stalin was jealous
                              2. Pre-WWII
                                1. 1917 - the tsar in Russia (Nicholas II) is overthrown by communists.
                                  1. USA sends troops to support the tsar, to battle communists. Stalin sees this and will not trust the West again
                                2. Communism vs Capitalism
                                  1. Communism: -only 1 political party, -everyone must work for the, -we should make as many products as we need, -fairness and equality for all
                                    1. Capitalism: -there should be a variety of political parties, -People should be free to start a business and make a profit, -Freedom of Speech, -Freedom and opportunity for all
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