2.3 - Water conflict in the Middle-East


A-level Geography G3 (Water) Mind Map on 2.3 - Water conflict in the Middle-East, created by RoryFlynn2 on 06/06/2013.
Mind Map by RoryFlynn2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RoryFlynn2 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

2.3 - Water conflict in the Middle-East
  1. Palestine - Made up of West Bank, Gaza Strip, Eastern Jerusalem
    1. Is not internationally recognised as a country
      1. Gaza Strip 40km long + 10km wide
        1. Home to more than 1.5 million people
          1. GS conflict - Egypt, Arab-Israel war- 1967
          2. Israel pulled out in 2005 - Still exercise control
            1. 2007 - Hamas (Militant Islamic group) take over strip
            2. The Gaza Strip
              1. 360 ppl per km sq
                1. 45% of land agric
                  1. 115km under irrigation
                    1. Serious water qual issues
                      1. Irrigation vital to economy
                    2. Climate
                      1. Hot summers, mild winters
                        1. Relies on winter rainfall
                          1. High evaporation
                            1. Recharge of aquifers needed
                              1. Only natural water supply - no rivers
                            2. Reasons for limited water
                              1. Low rainfall
                                1. Over us of resources
                                  1. Political competition
                                    1. Israelis living in Jewish settlements - no water restrictions
                                      1. Subsided water - costs $0.1 per cubic meter
                                        1. Has access to most reliable aquifers
                                          1. Settlements thrive
                                        2. Palestine economy suffers
                                          1. Big gap in living standards - political conflict rising
                                        3. What scarcity in Gaza Strip
                                          1. Military action damaged water infrastructure
                                            1. High birth rates for Israel and Palestine
                                              1. Pollution from agric chems - sewage seeping from septic tanks - damaged in attacks
                                                1. Over pumped aquifers
                                                  1. water table fallen
                                                    1. Sea water gets in
                                                      1. Crops damaged
                                                    2. Impact of polluted water
                                                      1. Kidney disease
                                                        1. People too poor for bottled water
                                                          1. 10,000 Gazans don't have access to water
                                                          2. Problems with repairing damaged infrastructure
                                                            1. 2007 Gaza blacked by Israel and Egypt so can't get supplies
                                                              1. Urgent need to cement, pipes, pumps etc
                                                              2. Way forward
                                                                1. New but primitive waste water plants
                                                                  1. New shallow wells dug
                                                                    1. New desalination plants and international help needed with this
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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