2.1 - Climate


A-level Geography G3 (Water) Mind Map on 2.1 - Climate, created by RoryFlynn2 on 05/06/2013.
Mind Map by RoryFlynn2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by RoryFlynn2 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

2.1 - Climate
  1. World precipitation - amount and distribution of rainfall
    1. Hydrological cycle
      1. The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
        1. West land use
          1. Lowland plains <200m above sea level
            1. Water diverted from dams/drainage basin for agricultural purposes and domestic use
              1. Dams + Weirs to control flow of water
                1. Agric covers 80% of basin
                  1. Uses 60% of total water assigned to irrigation in Aus
                2. Mean rainfall - fluctuating + unpredictable
                  1. Avg temp rising - effect of climate change
                    1. Higher levels of evaporation
                    2. Salinity levels
                      1. Salinity of water increases downstream
                        1. During high flow water remains acceptable for drinking + irrigation
                          1. During low flow water is unacceptable
                          2. Has caused water levels to drop
                            1. Total flow at mouth reduced 60%
                              1. Without devpt - water passes through mouth 40% of time (1% without dev)
                                1. Current medium avail of water - 21,000 gl/yr
                              2. Millennium drought
                                1. Large increase in salinity + salt build up
                                  1. In 20-30 yrs - river will be dry due to climate change
                                2. Lima, Peru
                                  1. 1/4 of population has no water access (8 mill)
                                    1. Have spent 45yrs without water + sanitation
                                      1. Contaminated water - 3.5 thousand families lose a child per yr
                                    2. Temp is rising - Glaciers melting + retreating
                                      1. Since 1930s - 30% disappeared
                                      2. River levels drop
                                        1. Water is dirty +undrinkable
                                        2. 1/4 of 13 million total pop live in Lima
                                          1. Dependent on rivers from glaciers in Andes
                                          2. Low river levels cause crisis for hydroelectric power
                                            1. Main power source - 80%
                                            2. Rivers depleted by over-extraction
                                              1. 15m cubed collected per second
                                                1. Lima needs 21m cubed to be sustainable
                                                2. Needs controlling
                                                3. In smaller settlements water is more scarce
                                                  1. Cost goes up
                                                    1. $14 per weeks' worth
                                                      1. 14x more than people on taps
                                                  2. Access to water is difficult
                                                    1. Restrictions = decline in standards of living + change in routine
                                                      1. Increased rural - urban transmigration
                                                        1. Immigration increased pressure on water demand
                                                        2. Poor sewage systems - unhygienic
                                                      2. 'Peruvians without water'
                                                        1. Pressure group on govt to improve water access
                                                          1. 2006 protests during govt elections
                                                            1. 151 projects promised - after 3 yrs only 4 complete
                                                        2. 'Fog catchers' - traps fog + converts into water
                                                          1. Cost $1500 with donations
                                                            1. Supplies 200 litres of water per day
                                                              1. Tighter community formed -Teamwork
                                                            2. Tessa is AMAZING!!!!! :)
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