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2.3 - How can water supply be managed sustainably?
A-level Geography G3 (Water) Mind Map on 2.3 - How can water supply be managed sustainably?, created by RoryFlynn2 on 05/06/2013.
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Resource summary
2.3 - How can water supply be managed sustainably?
Recycling 'Grey water'
Grey water is slightly contaminated water - free from faecal matter, grease and solids - only slight bacterial contamination
Used in places where water is reasonably clean to begin with - not polluted with chemicals
Domestic grey water can be pumped straight back into homes if collected separately from black water
Not safe to drink this water!
Purification (by mechanical or biological means) can make grey water drinkable
Most grey water is easier to treat than 'black water' - less contaminants
Ecological benefits
Lower fresh water extractoin
Less impact from treatment infrastructure
Topsoil nitrification
Reduced energy use and chemical pollution
Groundwater can recharge
Increased plant growth
Reclamation of nutrients
Potential pollution risk if not reused correctly
Increased health risks
Has plumbing requirements - complex system
Continuous maintenance
Case study: Aquaco, UK
Company which delivers grey water
NEWater, Singapore
Water produced by Singapore's public utilities board
Treated sewage water - purified using dual membrane and ultra-violet tech + conventional water treatment
Drinkable water + consumed by humans
However is mostly used in industry requiring high amounts of water
Currently produces 50% of daily water needs
Hopes to reach 100% by 2060
Desalinisation in Saudi Arabia
Total cost of producing 1m cubed of fresh water from the sea = $.5 to $1.5 for 1000 litres
With pop of 7 billion - can provide over 10 litres of clean water a day for 1 cent
It is sustainable - but only to those who can afford it!
Saudi Arabia environment
Harsh, dry desert - great temp extremes
Largest country in world without a permanent river
Main source = aquifers
Plentiful in petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, gold and copper
Fresh water withdrawal in 2000
Total = 17km cubed per yr
10% domestic
1% industrial
89% agric
2.4km cubed of renewable water resources
World's largest producer of desalinated water
Saline Water Conversion Corporation
3 million m cubed per day
70% of the water used in Saudi Arabian cities
Economic impact
Expensive - £3.8 billion
Cannot be acquired easily by LEDCs
High transport costs
Enviro impact
Salt solution extracted - considered industrial waste - cannot go back into sea
Reverse osmosis occuring
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