Vocabulary Ain't got x I got


Proficiência em Línguas English A1.1 (Getting to know people U2) Mind Map on Vocabulary Ain't got x I got, created by Carolina Gonçalves on 29/03/2022.
Carolina Gonçalves
Mind Map by Carolina Gonçalves, updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina Gonçalves
Created by Carolina Gonçalves about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Vocabulary Ain't got x I got
  1. clothes
    1. shoes
      1. Skirt
        1. sweater
        2. other material stuff
          1. home
            1. money
              1. perfume
                1. wine
              2. feelings and abstract things
                1. Love
                  1. Faith
                    1. God
                  2. culture
                  3. family
                    1. mother
                      1. father
                      2. sister
                        1. brother
                          1. child(ren)
                        2. aunt
                          1. uncle
                        3. body
                          1. hair
                            1. head
                              1. brain
                                1. ears
                                  1. eyes
                                    1. nose
                                      1. mouth
                                        1. smile
                                          1. tongue
                                            1. chin
                                  2. arms
                                    1. hands
                                      1. fingers
                                    2. legs
                                      1. foot/feet
                                        1. toes
                                      2. back
                                        1. boobies
                                          1. heart
                                            1. liver
                                              1. blood
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