League of Nations


A-Level History (League of Nations) Flashcards on League of Nations, created by hannah_ on 21/02/2014.
Flashcards by hannah_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannah_ about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was part of the Big Three? Lloyd George (Britain), Clemençeau (France) and Wilson (USA)
Who cam up with the fourteen point plan for peace? Woodrow Wilson
What were Wilson's aims? Te end war through 14 point plan Ensure Germany was not destroyed Not to blame Germany
What were Clemenceau's aims? Revenge Punish Germany No League of Nations Huge reparations Disband the German army
What were Llyod George's aims? A "just" peace "to make Germany pay" Land for Britain's empire Safeguard Britain's Navy
Why did the big three disagree? - Different minds have different opinions - Different experiences of the war
Why did the League fail over Manchuria 1931-32 - Slow reactions (Lord Lytton report) - Unanimous voting - Larger League Members - No USA - continued trade
Why did the League fail over Abyssinia 1935-36? - Slow reaction - Larger League Members - Leaving the League - Secret Deals
What is ACID? Aggression Ceased Co-operation Reversed Improvements Increased Disarmament Decreased I
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