Early Rome Flashcards


Test Social Studies Flashcards on Early Rome Flashcards, created by leora on 16/05/2016.
Flashcards by leora, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leora almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who founded Rome? Romulus
Who moved in to Rome in 575 BCE? The Etruscans
There were 7 kings in early Rome. Were they a dynasty? No
Who was the last king of Rome and when was he kicked out? Tarquin the Proud was kicked out of Rome in 509 BCE
When was Rome founded? 753 BCE
What was the main reason the Etruscans were more powerful than other groups on the Italian Peninsula? They were great metal workers, and could make better weapons.
What mountain range runs through the middle of the Italian Peninsula? The Apennines
Did Rome want a democracy? No
What was the higher class in Rome called? Patricians
What was the lower class in Rome called? Plebeians
What major event in 494 BCE led to 95% of the Roman population leaving Rome? The Conflict of Orders
How many Consuls were there? 2
What were the steps of the Plebeian Rebellion? 1. Stopped working (slowed and then strike) 2. Stop protecting Rome 3. Left Rome to start their own government 4. Formed Council of Plebeians (ten leaders elected to rule over them)
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