The Vietnam War- Key Words


Keywords for Vietnam war, GCSE history
Flashcards by marthajoyh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by marthajoyh almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Agent Orange A chemical used to destroy trees and enemy cover
ARVN Diem's army of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
Dien bien phu The site of an important victory of the Vietminh over France 1954
Deighton Eisenhower President of the USA 1952-1961
Guerrilla warfare Unconventional methods such as ambushes, booby traps, and sabotage
Ho Chi Minh Communist leader of North Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh trail North Vietnam's communist supply route going south from North Vietnam through Cambodia and Laos
John F Kennedy President of the USA from 1961-1963
Lyndon B Johnson President of the USA from 1963-1968
Napalm Bombs used by the USA containing jellied petrol that stuck to the skin and burnt through bones
Ngo Dinh Diem Leader of South Vietnam
NLF National Liberation a Front Ho's southern supporters named themselves this after 1960
Richard Nixon President of the USA from 1968-1974
Vietcong After 1960 Diem and the US called the NLF this
Vietminh Ho's Vietnamese followers were known as this after 1961
Vietnamisation Policy of the US leaving Vietnam and allowing South Vietnam to take over responsibility for the war
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