ARE - PcM: Business Operations


From Ballast 1-1
Samuel Stuttard
Flashcards by Samuel Stuttard, updated 3 months ago
Samuel Stuttard
Created by Samuel Stuttard 3 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
BUSINESS ORGANIZATION The legal structure of an architectural firm
OFFICE ORGANIZATION The way the firm organizes to complete its work
ETHICAL STANDARDS The accepted principles of correct professional conduct
HUMAN RESOURCES The practices and legal responsibilities pertaining to employing others
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT The use of marketing and public relations to increase business
SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP Any business owned by only an individual.
GENERAL PARTNERSHIP Any business owned and managed by two or more people.
LIMITED PARTNER Anyone who invests in a business and receives a portion of its profits, but is not involved in management
C CORPORATION A company that exists apart from its members and is composed of stakeholders, directors, and officers
S CORPORATION A corporation that passes its profits directly to its stakeholders, who then report the income only on their individual tax returns, avoiding corporate taxes
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY A business whose members' liability is restricted only to their investment, thus protecting their personal assets
JOINT VENTURE A temporary arrangement between two companies for the purpose of completing a project
TEAMING AGREEMENT (Memorandum of Understanding) A written agreement outlining and defining the roles and responsibilities of team members in a joint venture.
STANDARD OF CARE A legal concept defined as the level of skill and diligence that a reasonably prudent architect would exercise in the same community, in the same time frame, and given the same or similar facts and circumstances
DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION (Horizontal Organization) (Flat Organization) A form of business organization wherein the functions of the business are divided into specific groups and projects proceed from one group to the next
STUDIO ORGANIZATION (Vertical Organization) (Tall Organization) A form of business organization wherein projects are assigned to a specific group and are completed within that group
OUTSOURCING The practice of assigning certain tasks to outside firms or agencies whenever a firm is not capable of handling in it internally
SUPPORT STAFF Any employee other than the licensed professionals and senior management
CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION An license required in some states for an architecture firm (or any professional business) to operate
HEALTH Any aspects of architecture that are beneficial to the users of the building or site or that address environmental concerns
SAFETY Any aspects of architecture that are intended to limit or prevent accidental injuries or death among the users of a building or site
WELFARE Any aspects of architecture that engender a positive emotional response, or provide equal access, to a building or site
AIA CODE OF ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT A document that lists the minimum standards of conduct, procedures for enforcement, and sanctions against AIA members who violate the standards
NCARB MODEL RULES FOR CONDUCT A document that lists standards of conduct and good professional behavior that apply to both AIA members and non-members. Often legally enforceable.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (Personnel Management) Pertaining to hiring, compensating, managing, and terminating employees, along with any legal responsibilities regarding having employees
NON-COMPETE CLAUSE (Restrictive Covenant) An agreement made at hiring that prohibits an former employee from setting up a business or working for a competing firm within a close distance and certain time-frame
EMPLOYMENT-AT-WILL An employment situation wherein an employee works without a formal contract. Employees may quit at any time or any or no reason, and may be terminated at any time and for any or no reason.
JOB DESCRIPTIONS A definition of responsibilities and duties of the person holding a specific position in a firm; may also list experience and qualifications for that position
COMPENSATION Any kind of payment made to employees
FLEXTIME A benefit that allows workers to set their own hours within certain limits
FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PACKAGES Extra benefits, beyond those statutorily required, that are optional and into which employees may opt in or out as they see fit
OFFICE-SPONSORED EVENTS Parties, social events, educational events, etc., that an office will host or encourage employees to attend to boost morale and promote team cohesion
FLOATING HOLIDAYS Additional paid time off beyond typical PTO and holidays that employees may use at their discretion
SABBATICAL Special time-off given for the purpose of study, travel, and/or rest that may be given every 3 to 5 years
FLEXIBLE DAYS OFF Paid time-off that employees may use at their discretion
COMPENSATION ALTERNATIVES Other forms of additional compensation that are not taxable and are optional for employees. Examples might be travel for seminars, day-care services, & group term life insurance
ANNUAL PERFORMANCE BONUSES Additional compensation given yearly to reward productivity
PROFIT SHARING Additional compensation given based on the success of a particular project
WELLNESS PROGRAMS Additional programs beyond basic health insurance that promote healthy living, weight management, and cessation of bad habits. Firms may sponsor these as benefits to employees
COMPANY CARS Employer provided transportation for long-distance travel, if necessary, to prevent wear and tear to personal vehicles
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Employer sponsored events or initiatives that promote good relations with and giving back to local communities
PROFESSIONAL DUES Required annual or monthly payments to maintain membership in various professional societies. These may be paid by employers as a benefit to employees.
OFFICE AMENITIES Additional small benefits such as snacks, music, coffee, etc., that can boost morale and make work more enjoyable
CONTINUING EDUCATION Required additional and ongoing training in architecture-related topics, particularly in health, safety, and welfare. May be paid for or accommodated by firms as a benefit.
FAMILY OR CHILD LEAVE Time off, either paid or unpaid, to allow young parents to give birth and care for newborns or to care for dying loved ones and mourn.
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION A formal review given by an employer to assess each employee's performance.
INTERN In architecture, anyone who is currently training to be an architect by acquiring AXP hours and/or taking the ARE exams
QUALITY CONTROL CIRCLE A group of employees who meet regularly with their employer to assess problems and find solutions
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