Social Enterprise; Induction and target setting


This activity will check the learners understanding of the main points and information provided in the 1st workbook of Social Enterprise; Induction, the 5 core principles and Target setting
Elena White
Flashcards by Elena White, updated more than 1 year ago
Elena White
Created by Elena White about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the 5 core principles? Presentation Teamwork Self management Problem Solving Communication
What are the 3 sectors within business? Private Public Voluntary
What does SMART stand for? Specific, measurable,acheivable, realistic and time-based
Describe communication It's when a person either speaks, listens or writes to a person they want to provide information to
Describe Teamwork A group of people collaborating with each other to complete a task by interacting positively with each other
Describe what is meant by Self-Management When a person demonstrates positive behaviours in relation to work and tasks
Describe what is meant by Presentation When a person ensures that they take ownership of goals, timekeeping and attendance
Describe what is meant by Problem Solving When a team or an individual are able to be creative and find a solution to a problem faced at a moments notice
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