OCB02-1005-Pharyngeal arch development


Know the different tissue origins of the face (neural crest, mesoderm and ectoderm) Know what part of the face each facial primordial gives rise to in the adult face Know which facial primordia fuse to generate the upper lip, primary and secondary palate. Know the fate of the pharyngeal arches i.e which bones and muscles arise from each arch , Know the fate of the pharyngeal clefts and pouches Know the innervation of each pharyngeal arch Appreciate the link cranial and cardiac development
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Which part of the neural tube becomes the fore/mid/hind brain? Anterior neural tube
What are the rhombomeres? What do they form? 8 bulges on neural tube that forms hindbrain
What are somatomeres? 7 segments made of mesoderm
What are somites? Fully segmented somatomeres
What does the midbrain/ rhomnomeres 1+2 become? Face and 1st branchial arch
What is the stomatodeum? Shallow depression in the frontal prominence that is part of the developing face
Pharyngeal clefts are located on... and are made of ... The outside Ectoderm
Pharyngeal arches are located on... and are made of ... The middle Mesenchymal tissue (mesoderm+neural crest)
Pharyngeal pouches are located on... and are made of ... The Inside Endoderm
What are the five pharyngeal arches? 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
What are the three things each pharyngeal arch contains? 1. Nerve 2. Cartilage 3. Artery
PA 1 Muscle (mesoderm): Cartilage (neural crest): Nerve: Muscle: muscles of mastication Cartilage: Meckel's cartilage (becomes malleus/incus) Mandibular, Maxillary Process Nerve: CNV Trigeminal
PA 2 (hyoid) Muscle (mesoderm): Cartilage (neural crest): Nerve: Muscle: Muscles of facial expression Cartilage (neural crest): Stapes, styloid process, stylo-hyoid ligament, lesser horns of hyoid Nerve: CNV11 Facial
PA 3 Muscle (mesoderm): Cartilage (neural crest): Nerve: Muscle: Stylopharyngeus Cartilage: Greater horns of hyoid Nerve: CNIX Glossopharyngeal
PA 4 Muscle (mesoderm): Cartilage (neural crest): Nerve: Muscle: Constrictors of pharynx Cartilage: Cartilages of larynx (eg. thyroid) Nerve: CNX Superior laryngeal
PA 6 Muscle (mesoderm): Cartilage (neural crest): Nerve: Muscle: Intrinsic muscles of larynx Cartilage: Cartilages of larynx Nerve: CNX recurrent laryngeal
What fuses to form the upper lip, alveolus, primary palate? Bilateral maxillary processes fuse with medial nasal process (into intermaxillary process)
What does the lateral nasal process fuse to form? Alar of nose
What does the mandibular process form? Lower lip/jaw
When do palatal shelves develop? Late 7th/8th week
What is the primary palate formed by? Extension of intermaxillary process
What is the secondary palate formed by? Palatine shelves that grow medially from maxillary prominences
What is cleft palate caused by? 1. Palatal shelves fail to fuse during 7-10 week of development 2. Inadequate growth of shelves 3. Secondary rupture after fusion 4. Failure of shelves to elevate above tongue
What are 1st Pharyngeal Arch abnormalities? 1. Treacher-Collins syndrome - underdeveloped facial bones, small lower jaw 2. Acro-facial dysostosis - no angle between neck and chin, prominent forehead 3. Hemifacial microsomia - affects half the face and derivatives from 1st/2nd PA
Pharyngeal Cleft 1 external auditory tube
Remnants of Pharyngeal Cleft can lead to Cysts
Pharyngeal Pouch 1 Auditory tube/middle ear cavity
Pharyngeal Pouch 2 Crypts of palatine tonsil
Pharyngeal Pouch 3 Dorsal forms inferior parathyroid glands Ventral forms thymus
Pharyngeal Pouch 4 Dorsal/superior forms superior parathyroid glands
Pharyngeal Pouch 5 (aka ventral part of pouch 4) Ultimobrachial body - forms the parafollicular cells
What are the two mesodermal origins of the tongue muscles? Lower pharyngeal arches Hypoglossal cord
Ankyloglossia is when Tongue tied to bottom of oral cavity
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