OCB02-1008-TMJ Development


Describe how the TMJ forms during normal development. Review of developmental defects associated with the TMJ Review of genes thought to play a role in TMJ formation
Evian Chai
Flashcards by Evian Chai, updated more than 1 year ago
Evian Chai
Created by Evian Chai almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What type of joint is the TMJ? A synovial hinge/glidng joint
What is the TMJ located between? The glenoid/mandibular fossa and the condylar process of mandible
What does the temporal bone consist of? Composite bone made of Petromastoid, Squamosal, Tympanic and Styloid bone
What are the three processes of the mandible? 1. Condylar Process 2. Coronoid Process (closing muscles) 3. Angle (opening muscles)
What are the muscle attachments of the three processes and ramus? Condylar: External Pterygoid Coronoid: Temporalis Angle: Internal Pterygoid Ramus: Masseter
What are three ligaments of the TMJ? 1. Temporomandibular (outside) 2. Stylomandibular (stabilises joint) 3. Sphenomandibular
What is ankylosis? What mutation is it caused by? Fusion of the disc with the condylar process or glenoid fossa Mutation of Shox2
Auriculo-condylar syndrome TMJ/condylar defects, malformed ears
Mutation in TGFB2? Loss of angular attachment-->loss of angular because no mechanical stimulation
Pax9 mutation? Loss of teeth (hyperdontia) Loss of coronoid process
How does the TMJ develop (3 steps) 1. Patterning of the dentary via intramembranous ossification - requires right mechanical stimulation+genes 2. Capping bone w/ secondary cartilage 3. Development of disc on top of condylar cartilage 4. Disc lifts up to space in between condylar/glenoid fossa 5. Upper synovial cavity forms, then lower 6. Endochondral ossification
What does lubricin do? Separates disc from condylar process so it can lift
Lack of mechanical stimulation leads to what in condylar/disc formation? No function disc or disc doesn't life off condylar
Loss of Indian Hedgehog leads to... Reduced condylar cartilage No disc formation Ankylosis Glenoid fossa development issues
Mutation in RunX Failure of cartilage to turn into bone
Mutation in Alk2 Failure of secondary cartilage to form
Achondroplasia (shortened jaw) caused by Too much differentiation, not enough proliferation
Lack of mechanical stimulation in ossification leads to Reduced/failure of endochondral ossification (eg. mash diet)
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