History|The Cold War- Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain and East-West Rivalry


Flashcards on History|The Cold War- Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain and East-West Rivalry, created by Lily Murray on 16/03/2020.
Lily Murray
Flashcards by Lily Murray, updated more than 1 year ago
Lily Murray
Created by Lily Murray almost 5 years ago

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Part 1: The Origins of the Cold War Topic Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain & The Evolution of East -West rivalry THE LONG TELEGRAM ~WHO AND WHEN: -22nd February, 1946 -Made by George Kennan ~WHAT DID IT SAY AND CONFIRM: -He believed that the Soviets wanted to spread the USSR's influence as widely as possible. -The USSR saw the USA as its enemy. -Any attempt between the USSR and the USA at cooperation would fail. -It confirmed President Truman's fears and had a large influence on his future approach towards the USSR.
Part 1: The Origins of the Cold War Topic Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain & The Evolution of East -West rivalry CHURCHILL'S IRON CURTAIN SPEECH ~WHEN AND WHO: -6th March 1946 -Winston Churchill ~WHAT DID IT SAY AND HOW DID STALIN VIEW IT: -The USSR was attempting to spread its influence across the rest of Europe and increase its power. -An invisible line had split Europe in two between the East and West. This was called the Iron Curtain. -This term was widely used. Truman was on Churchill's side when he made the speech, respected and shared the same views as Chruchill. -In Moscow, the speech was viewed as a deliberate misrepresentation of the USSR's aims.
Part 1: The Origins of the Cold War Topic Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain & The Evolution of East -West rivalry THE TRUMAN DOCTRINE, 1947 ~WHAT DID TRUMAN SAY AND WHAT WAS ITS PURPOSE: -Said that communism was a serious threat to the World. -The USA would support any country that was under threat. -Containment (stopping the spread of communism). -To make it clear to the USSR that its expansion in Europe had to end.
Part 1: The Origins of the Cold War Topic Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain & The Evolution of East -West rivalry THE MARSHALL PLAN ~WHAT WAS THE PLAN AND WHAT WAS ITS PURPOSE: -Aid economic recovery in Europe to stop countries from turning to communism. -Create a market for American goods to build up economy. -Made by secretary of state, George Marshall, and was announced on 5th June 1947. ~WHAT WERE THE RESULTS OF THE PLAN: -$13.15 billion was divided among the countries that were willing to accept the aid. -Aid was supplied in the form of money and resources.
Part 1: The Origins of the Cold War Topic Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain & The Evolution of East -West rivalry STALIN'S REACTION- COMINFORM & COMECON ~STALIN'S RESPONSE TO TRUMAN DOCTRINE (COMINFORM): -Saw it as a direct threat to communism. -Created a communist Information Bureau (cominform) to ensure unity in Eastern Europe. -All cominform members would meet regularly in Moscow to ensure they were all following the same policies. ~YUGOSLAVIA: -Tito was unwilling to follow all of Stalin's instructions. He saw Yugoslavia as an independent country. -In 1948, Tito accepted Marshall aid. Yugoslavia was was the only communist country to accept this american aid. -It was a communist country that was not behind the Iron curtain. ~STALIN'S RESPONSE TO MARSHALL PLAN- COMECON: -In 1949, Stalin created comecon, a soviet alternative to Marshall aid. Countries who signed up to comecon were agreeing to work together and share resources in what was officially a union of equal partners. -He made it clear that Eastern European countries should not accept Marshall aid.
Part 1: The Origins of the Cold War Topic Key Topic 2: The Iron Curtain & The Evolution of East -West rivalry THE BERLIN BLOCKADE AND AIRLIFT, 1948-49 ~MARCH 1948: -Western allies agreed to unify their sectors of Germany and Berlin and introduce a new currency. ^Stalin did the same for the East (seriously why he always copying the West???) ~APRIL 1948: -The Mini blockade included blocking military supply routes, traffic restrictions and closing bridges for maintenance. ~24th JUNE 1948: -Stalin launched full blockade. No supplies could reach non-soviet part of the city. ^This included no food, fuels, medical supplies or electricity. ~26th JUNE 1948: -British and American planes began delivering supplies to West Berlin. -At it's peak, planes were arriving every 3 minutes and around 4000 tonnes of supplies were delivered every day. ~12th MAY 1949: -Stalin gave in and ended the blockade. -The blockades and airlifts had pushed the 2 sides to the brink of War. ~23rd MAY 1949: -West Germany became the Federal Republic of Germany (FDR), an independent democratic country. ~OCTOBER 1949: -Germany Democratic Republic (GDR) was created as a communist state.
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