Psychology flashcards memory


Psychology flashcards with keywords for the memory topic
Flashcards by eharveyhudl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eharveyhudl almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Multi-store model Proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, it explains how our memory processes information
Sensory store Receives information from the senses, remains in the store for a brief period. If focused on, the information transfers to the STM
Short term memory Information disappears quickly if not rehearsed. Capacity = 7(+-2) chunks. Duration = 18-30 seconds.
Long term memory Information travels here from STM with rehearsal, the capacity and duration is unlimited
Semantic memory For knowledge about words and the world, gives meaning to words
Episodic memory What has happened recently such as what you had for dinner yesterday
Procedural memory Memory of activities such as riding a bike or learning to read
Serial position effect Explains that people recall words at the start of a list because it is stored in the LTM (primacy effect), and words at the end because they are still in STM (recency effect)
Central executive Part of working memory model - sends information to the right part of working memory, it has limited capacity
Phonological loop Component of working memory that processes verbal information
Articulatory control system Part of phonological loop, processes verbal words
Phonological store Part of phonological loop, it processes things you hear
Visual-spatial sketchpad Part of working memory, it holds visual and spatial information (relationship between things e.g maps)
Episodic buffer Part of working memory, it was added in 2000, and integrates information with the other stores, but has limited capacity
Eye witness testimony Evidence from people who witness an event such as a crime, reporting from their memory
Anxiety An unpleasant emotional state where we fear something bad is about to happen, can influence EWT
Method of Loci A memory improvement technique which creates several neural pathways to memory, making it more likely to be remembered
Chunking Dividing a string of information into memorable chunks e.g postcodes
Duration A measure of how long a memory lasts before it is no longer available
Capacity A measure of how much information can be held in memory
Word - length effect Explains that people remember lists of short words better than lists of long words
Misleading questions Hints to the witness what answer is desired
Cognitive interview A police technique for interviewing witnesses, which lets them recreate what happened in order to access the stored information
Mnemonic A technique used to help people remember and recall information
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