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Chapter 5: Short-term and Working Memory
The modal model of memory, sensory memory, short-term memory, working memory, working memory and the brian
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cognition and development
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
Chapter 5: Short-term and Working Memory
Sensory Memory
An initial stage that holds all incoming information for seconds or fractions of a second
Retention, the effects of sensory stimulation
Example: The way a sparkler is moved around on the air and the trail is actually in your memory not in the air
Persistence of Vision: the continued perception of a visual stimulus even after it is no longer present
Delayed Partial Report CogLab
A group of 12 letters are flashed on the screen. After they are displayed a tone tells them what row to report
Short-term Memory
Holds five to seven items for about 15-20 seconds depending on how complex
Peterson and Peterson used method of recall to determine the duration of STM
Digit Span: the number of digits a person can remember (five to nine)
The system involved in storing small amounts of information for a brief period of time
Long-term Memory
Hold large amount of information for years or even decades
Working Memory
A limited Capacity system for temporary storage and manipulation of information for complex tasks such as comprehension, learning, and reasoning
Phonological Loop
Has two components
Phonological Store
Limited capacity and holds information for only a few seconds
Articulatory Rehearsal
Responsible for rehearsal that can keep items in the phonological store from decaying
Word Length Effect
When memory for lists of words is better for short words than long words and the second list is harder to remember because the words are longer
Irrelevant Speech
Where a random sequence of letters are given and you are to recall and half the trials have a german man reading
Articulatory Supression
Reduces memory because speaking interferes with rehearsal and eliminates the word length effect
Visuospatial Sketch Pad
Holds Visual and spatial information
Brooks (1968)
Visualize the letter "F", is the corner exterior or interior, either point to out or in or say out or in
More difficult to point because imagining the letter and pointing both use visuospatial sketch pad
In the Frontal Cortex
Central Executive
Control center of the working memory system
Focus, divide, switch attention
Controls suppression of irrelevant information
Decreases perseveration
Episodic Buffer
Store information (extra capacity) and connected to LTM (interchange between WM and LTM)
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