Ancient Egypt Revision slideshow


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Lia Beart
Slide Set by Lia Beart, updated more than 1 year ago
Lia Beart
Created by Lia Beart over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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    Change and continuity
    ProgressionMade their own medical instruments Established a logical theory of how disease is caused Settled into large communities Dissected dead bodies Recorded medical information on papyrus Basic surgery developed Trade gave them new medical methods, instruments and remedies Hieroglyphics Had specialist practitioners
    Regression Believed that Imhotep was the God of healing Believed that war Goddess Sekhmet caused and cured epidemics Disease spread easily

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    The Ancient Egyptians were the first the develop a language known as Hieroglyphics (symbols) which greatly advanced their education as now doctors could record patient information and most importantly share medical ideas so medicine could further progress. They wrote on a special type of plant made paper called Papyrus. As a result we know more about the Egyptians than we ever will with the Prehistorians. Trade, through the transport of boats, enabled the Egyptians to discover many more materials, herbs and methods of treating illness. This also advanced their technology because new materials were discovered that they could experiment with.

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    Practiced medicine
    Cleanliness meant godliness, being hygienic keeps you closer to God. The Ebers Medical Papyrus,  describes mixing animal and vegetable oils with alkaline salts. The soap-like material was used for treating skin diseases, as well as for washing. Mummification was also a part of their religion, because of this they extensively learnt the basic human anatomy. However a drawback of this was that belief of the afterlife restricted them from making further progress at this stage, so they never discovered how the organs work rather than just where they are positioned in the human body. Postliminary to the famous flood of the river Nile the Egyptians intelligently generated a logical theory of how illness is caused. They said, like the river nile flooding when channels of blood get blocked you get ill. It was believed that Pharaoh's specialist doctor Imhotep, when he died was worshipped as a god of medicine nd that he could cure people.Pharaoh's hired personal doctors who were specialised in certain areas, they were wealthy so could educate themselves a fair amount.Natural treatments: Mouldy bread was used to treat bladder disease.

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