Drift to war


The causes of World War II
Etomi Akpala
Slide Set by Etomi Akpala, updated more than 1 year ago
Etomi Akpala
Created by Etomi Akpala almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

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    WWII Casualties
    50 million people died 

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    In 1924 Hitler wrote Mein KampfHitler blamed Jews and Communists for Germany's ProblemsBy 135 he built the German army up to 300,000 peopleOrdered Air ministry to build 1000 new planesIntroduced Conscription, meaning over half a million men would join the armyhowever at the disarmament conference he argued for the need for peace1936 remilitarisation of the Rhineland

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    Big Three and T of V
    The main disagreements were on how Germany should be treated and how severe their punishment should be.Georges Clemencau, from France wanted Germany to pay and wanted them to face a severe punishment. He had a fear of Germanys power and was determined not to let Germany ruin France by lessening their power so they can never fight againDavid Lloyd George wanted peace, however he also wanted to Germany to be punished, but not too harsh as he believed it might cause future wars. He was also looking to expand the British Empire and increase Britain's trade including with Germany. However he wants to get rid of Germany's navy at the Paris Peace ConferenceWoodrow Wilson wanted to form a League of Nations and wanted a new moral order in international relations where people could talk about their problems and so he drew up the 14 points addressing what he thought caused WW1. He also wanted to punish Germany but his main goal was to build a better and more peaceful world by strengthening democracy.

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    Chaos in Europe
    In 1919, there was a lot of problems in Europe to do with communism and there was a huge communist threat from Russia.

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    Effects on Germany from T of V
    GuiltArmamentReparationsGerman land lostLEague of Nations was formed, and Germany was not allowed to join. If they accept guilt they have to pay all reparations, Was forced upon them at conference and was a DIKTAT. Army could only be up to 100,000 volunteers, small for a country of their size. Navy could only have 6 battleships. 0 tanks, submarines or military air forces Armed forces were a symbol of pride and status. Germany had to pay 6.6 million pounds to allies, which they couldn't afford The Treaty of Versailles really weakened Germanys already weak economy.  The Saar coalfield was give to France and Alsace-Lorraine was given back to France as well. Danzing became a free city and Poland was given the Polish Corridor to the Baltic Sea. They were also not allowed ti unite with Austria. Lost Upper Silesia Sea and had to give Belgium independence. 1.5 million Germans under Polish rule - self determination not being applied to Germany Oversea Colonies lost to Leagues and called mandates. Br & Fr took control over them and denied the people of South Africa and MIddle East self determination.

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    The Ruhr Crisis 1923
    By December 1922, because the German government could not pay French and so Belgian troops invaded and occupied the Ruhr to take goods and raw materials in lieu of money. USA tried to reduce pressure and loaned Germany enough money to pay reparations.

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    Why did people support Hitler
    There were violent threats for those who didn't support him Nazi's seemed to provide order in chaos Hitler said he was the only one able  to save Germany Dictatorship seemed like the only way He eliminated unemployment Hitler improved people's wellfare They accepted Hitler as he was putting Germany to work

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    Hitler's view of Germany's destiny
    Hitler thought that Germanys destiny was to be the ruler of Europe

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    How the League was shown to be a fail 
    The League failed to deal with the Manchuria and Abyssinia Crisis. This showed Hitler that the League was not prepared to deal with aggressors. Also Britain and France were following different rules and were obviously not following the Treaty of Versailles. They were also appeasing Germany and as they were two of the main powers it showed the League had no backbone and was not ready to deal with aggressors.

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    Hitler breaking the T of V
    in March 1936, Hitler remilitarised the Rhine. He then got involved with the Spanish Civil War and supported Facists. Signed the Anti-Comitern Pact in 1936 and made the Axis Alliance Anschluss with Austria in 1938, and made a Gross Deutschland He takes the Sudetanland on 29th September 1938

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    Fall of Czechoslovakia & Causing WWII
    This was when people realised that Hitler did not just want to unite german speaking people into a Gross Deutschland, but that he was trying to get Lebensraum. The fall of Czechoslovakia in 1939 was an act of aggression and was classified as an invasion. This was because Czechoslovakia was not a german speaking country. It became clear that Germany wanted Poland for Lebensraum. Russua and Germany signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact in August 1939 which meant that Russia would invade Poland from the East and Germany would come in from the West
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