Connect your Content with Mind Maps


Mind Maps will lay out your Study plan and create an overview of what you need to cover.
Slide Set by daniel.praecox, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by miminoma over 9 years ago
Copied by daniel.praecox over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Slide 1

    How to Use Mind Maps
    Students can use online Mind Maps to improve their revision. These visual study aids will help you enhance your learning experience by making connections between ideas to improve your understanding of a topic or subject.Mind Maps are one of the most popular study aids as they can provide a different perspective to your notes. There are lots of possibilities that you probably haven’t even thought of which will help you use Mind Maps to revise.From outlining your curriculum in a visual way to creating sample exam answers, there are various ways you can make studying easier using Mind Maps
    Caption: : Find out how easy it is to create Mind Maps in GoConqr

Slide 2

    Map Out your Curriculum
    When you begin studying using Mind Maps, a good starting point is to take the time to map out your curriculum. Do this for every subject, class, and exam. Put the title of each subject/class in the central node and then add in the sections that you are going to cover during the term. Having this plan in place from the beginning of term is the first step in organising your study properly. This plan will make the next steps in your revision easier to follow and focus on.The Mind Map on the left is a great example of how you can use this tool to create an overview of a subject.

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    Once you have a curriculum overview in place, you need to delve deeper into individual topics which are featured in it’s nodes. To do this, take a topic from your overview and focus on this area by starting a new Mind Map by building out the theory. When you do this for all sections of your subject curriculum, you will have a comprehensive set of study notes you can refer to at any time. This will also allow you to understand your curriculum in much greater detail.
    Develop Concepts

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    Create Sample Answers
    One of the best ways to prepare for an exam is to create sample answers. When it comes to sample essay answers, you can get great practice by using Mind Maps. Replicate the same structure of an English essay in a Mind Map. Each node can be a paragraph and each strand can outline one full idea in detail. Planning in this way will lead to better work.

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    Sharing With Your Classmates
    If you split up your subjects with your classmates you can cover the course much quicker. Once you have all your areas covered, share them amongst one another. This will save a large amount of time while also allowing you to spend much more time on specific areas in detail. GoConqr has the ideal tool to help you collaborate on your Mind Maps. Groups is a private area where you can discuss topics and share your Mind Maps and other study resources.

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    Use Trigger Words
    As your exam date comes closer, trigger words are really going to help you. Trigger words are words that you associate with a whole are of related ideas. Triggers words are great as they mimic how your brain would react in an exam. Mind Maps are one of the best tools to produce this trigger effect. By utilising these Mind Mapping tips, you are giving yourself the best chance to achieve a high grade in your exams.
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