Part2 US History EOC Review Test


Part2 US History EOC Review Test
Quiz by april.robinson.s, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by april.robinson.s over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Base your answers to question on the cartoon on the left and on your knowledge of social studies. What is the main idea of this cartoon from the Reconstruction Era?
  • Southern society was oppressed by Radical Republican policies.
  • Military force was necessary to stop Southern secession.
  • United States soldiers forced women in the South to work in factories.
  • Sharecropping was an economic burden for women after the Civil War.

Question 2

Base your answers to question on the cartoon on the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Which congressional action led to the Southern viewpoint expressed in this cartoon?
  • passage of the Homestead Act
  • strengthening of the Fugitive Slave Laws
  • military occupation of the former Confederate States
  • ending the Freedmen’s Bureau

Question 3

Which statement best explains why Reconstruction ended?
  • Reconstruction policies were no longer needed when the Southern states rejoined the Union
  • African Americans prospered financially.
  • Reconstruction was intended to be a short term event that would end in 10 years.
  • Enforcement of Reconstruction Acts decreased because of political compromise.

Question 4

What effect did the system of sharecropping have on the South after the Civil War?
  • It kept formerly enslaved persons economically dependent.
  • It brought investment capital to the South.
  • It encouraged Northerners to migrate south.
  • It provided for a fairer distribution of farm profits.

Question 5

Following the Civil War, many Southern states enacted Black Codes to
  • provide free farmland for African Americans
  • guarantee equal civil rights for African Americans
  • restrict the rights of formerly enslaved persons
  • support the creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau

Question 6

What was a major result of the Civil War?
  • States now had the right to secede from the Union.
  • Congress passed an amendment to provide for the direct election of senators.
  • The power of the central government was strengthened.
  • The judiciary became the dominant branch of the federal government.

Question 7

Constitutional amendments adopted during Reconstruction were intended to
  • provide legal and political rights for African Americans
  • end property and religious qualifications for voting
  • correct problems with the Electoral College system
  • limit the number of terms of the president

Question 8

The institution of slavery was formally abolished in the United States by the
  • Compromise of 1850
  • Emancipation Proclamation of 1863
  • creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau in 1865
  • ratification of the 13th amendment in 1865

Question 9

In the mid-1800s, the growth of the populations of California and the western territories was mainly a result of the
  • discovery of gold and silver
  • opening of the Panama Canal
  • migration of freedmen after the Civil War
  • secession of the Southern states

Question 10

The Homestead Act of 1862 helped the development of the West by
  • providing free land to settlers
  • granting land for construction of transcontinental railroads
  • allowing slavery to spread to the territories
  • placing Native American Indians on reservations

Question 11

In the late 19th century, the federal government aided the growth of transcontinental railroads by
  • legalizing rate rebates for large shippers
  • providing free land for laying railroad tracks
  • requiring standard-gauge tracks on all interstate lines
  • forcing small lines to consolidate into large systems

Question 12

In an effort to resolve conflicts with the frontier settlers in the 1870s, the federal government forced Native American Indians to
  • move west of the Mississippi River
  • live on reservations with definite boundaries
  • relocate to urban industrial centers
  • help build the transcontinental railroad

Question 13

Passage of the Dawes Act of 1887 affected Native American Indians by
  • supporting their cultural traditions
  • attempting to assimilate them into mainstream American culture
  • forcing their removal from areas east of the Mississippi River
  • starting a series of Indian wars on the Great Plains

Question 14

What was a major effect of the Agricultural Revolution in the United States during the late 1800s?
  • Unemployed factory workers could find jobs in agriculture.
  • Food supplies were increased to feed urban dwellers.
  • The size of farms decreased.
  • United States farm exports decreased.

Question 15

The changes in American agriculture during the late 1800s led farmers to
  • grow fewer cash crops for export
  • request an end to agricultural tariffs
  • demand a reduced role for government in agriculture
  • become more dependent on banks and railroads

Question 16

A goal of the Granger and Populist movements was to
  • expand rights for African Americans
  • help western farmers fight unjust economic practices
  • provide support for the banking industry
  • enable big business to expand without government interference

Question 17

In the late 1800s, the Granger movement tried to improve conditions for farmers by
  • lowering the rate of inflation
  • strengthening the gold standard
  • forcing railroads to lower their rates
  • making labor unions stronger

Question 18

The success of the Populist Party of the 1890s can best be measured by which development?
  • The party replaced one of the two major parties.
  • The party gained support among business leaders.
  • Two of the party’s candidates were elected to the presidency.
  • Several of the party’s proposed reforms were made into laws.

Question 19

During the late 1800s, many farmers supported the idea that free and unlimited coinage of silver would
  • end farm subsidies
  • help farmers to repay their loans
  • lead to lower prices for consumer goods
  • decrease prices for farmland

Question 20

Base your answer to the question on the cartoon to the left and on your knowledge of social studies. This cartoon from the 1896 presidential election campaign attacked William Jennings Bryan’s proposal for
  • free coinage of silver
  • lower tariffs on farm goods
  • strengthening the gold standard
  • government regulation of the railroads

Question 21

What major trend related to population occurred during the industrialization boom of the late 1800s?
  • Immigration decreased.
  • Suburbanization decreased.
  • Urbanization increased.
  • Migration to rural areas increased.

Question 22

In the last half of the 1800s, which development led to the other three?
  • expansion of the middle class
  • growth of industrialization
  • formation of trusts
  • creation of labor unions

Question 23

Which major population shift in the late 1800s occurred as a result of industrialization?
  • northerners to the Sun Belt
  • rural residents to urban areas
  • working class people from the cities to the suburbs
  • African Americans from the North to the South

Question 24

Why did the United States follow a policy of open immigration during much of the 1800s?
  • Many United States citizens wanted to live abroad.
  • The United States had a shortage of labor.
  • Prosperous conditions in Europe resulted in fewer immigrants coming to the United States.
  • Immigrants provided United States industry with investment capital.

Question 25

The “new immigrants” to the United States between 1890 and 1915 came primarily from
  • southern and eastern Europe
  • northern and western Europe
  • East Asia
  • Latin America

Question 26

Which action by the federal government during the late 1800s is an example of nativism? (5.01)
  • passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act
  • creation of tribal reservations in the East
  • grants of financial aid to western farmers
  • support for the construction of transcontinental Railroads

Question 27

The growth of big business in the late 1800s resulted in
  • a reduction in child labor
  • the elimination of the middle class
  • the widening of the economic gap between rich and poor
  • a shift in transportation investment from railroads to canals

Question 28

During the late 1800s, business leaders formed trusts mainly to
  • reduce prices
  • eliminate competition
  • improve worker productivity
  • establish overseas factories

Question 29

Base your answer to question on the cartoon on the left and on your knowledge of social studies. Which economic concept is best illustrated by the cartoon?
  • supply and demand
  • mercantilism
  • monopoly
  • trade

Question 30

Base your answer to questions 67 and 68 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies. What is the main idea of this cartoon?
  • The Standard Oil Company was a harmful monopoly.
  • The best way to develop major industries was to form proprietorships.
  • Government regulations were strangling the Standard Oil Company.
  • Foreign competition in the oil industry was hurting American companies.

Question 31

Base your answers to the question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. “. . . This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of Wealth: First, to set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and after doing so to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community— . . .” — Andrew Carnegie, “Wealth,” North American Review, June 1889 According to this passage, the responsibility of the wealthy is to
  • invest in future industry to increase wealth
  • share their excess wealth with the community
  • maintain a lifestyle consistent with their wealth
  • influence government to assist all people

Question 32

Base your answers to the question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies. “. . . This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of Wealth: First, to set an example of modest, unostentatious living, shunning display or extravagance; to provide moderately for the legitimate wants of those dependent upon him; and after doing so to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which he is called upon to administer, and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community— . . .” — Andrew Carnegie, “Wealth,” North American Review, June 1889 Andrew Carnegie carried out the ideas expressed in this statement by
  • funding numerous libraries and educational institutions
  • serving many years in the federal government
  • investing his fortune in several new industries
  • promoting programs to benefit the wealthy

Question 33

Business leaders John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt were referred to as robber barons primarily because they
  • bought titles of nobility from foreign governments
  • were ruthless in dealing with competitors
  • stole money from state and local governments
  • gained all of their wealth by illegal means

Question 34

During the late 1800s, the defenders of Social Darwinism would most likely have supported
  • labor unions
  • progressive income taxes
  • laissez-faire capitalism
  • environmental conservation

Question 35

What was the main benefit that labor unions of the late 19th century gained for their members?
  • job security
  • improved wages and hours
  • paid vacations
  • health insurance

Question 36

During the late 1800s, what was the main reason labor unions had difficulty achieving gains for workers?
  • Communists had taken control of the major unions.
  • The government supported business efforts to limit the powers of unions.
  • Most unions had been organized by big business.
  • Most workers were satisfied with working conditions.

Question 37

Base your answers to the question on the cartoon on the left and on your knowledge of social studies. What is the main idea of this cartoon from the 1800s?
  • Labor is gaining power over big business.
  • Most Americans support the labor movement.
  • Business has advantages over labor.
  • Government should support the expansion of railroads.

Question 38

The American Federation of Labor responded to the situation shown in the cartoon by
  • organizing skilled workers into unions
  • encouraging open immigration
  • forming worker-owned businesses
  • creating a single union of workers and farmers
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