Investigating plant mineral deficiencies


AS Level AS Biology (IAL AS Biology Unit 3 ) Note on Investigating plant mineral deficiencies, created by AD_ on 23/04/2014.
Note by AD_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AD_ almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Independent: Minerals present

Dependent: Physical characteristics of plant

Control: Volume mineral solution Species plant Size container Amount light received

Method: Half fill 7 tubes each w/ ‘all nutrients present’ solution, & solutions lacking in nitrogen/phosphate/potassium/ magnesium/calcium/lacking all. Cover top  tube w/ foil/paraffin & push down on covering so that there's well in centre. Gently push radish seeds through hole so it is in solution below. Wrap all tubes in aluminium foil & place in tube holder on sunny window sill. Observe regularly.

Evaluation issues: Ensure accurate measurement solutions Possible microorganism growth in nutrient solution Insufficient time to see effect

Outcome: All nutrients present: Grow healthy Lack nitrogen: Old leaves turn yellow & die, growth stunted Lack phosphate: Dark green leaves with purple veins & growth stunted Lack potassium: Yellow scorching leaves & stunted growth Lack magnesium: Yellow areas develop on old leaves & growth slows down. Lack calcium: Grow points  die back & young leaves yellow & crinkly Lack all: Does not grow at all.


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