Created by luke.bailey39
over 11 years ago
1.Carried out administrative roles the society of Athens2.Selected annually by lot3.Six of the nine were known as Thesmothetal and presided over the Jury court4.They weren't judges but just made sure the process ran smoothly5.Ex-Archons became lifelong members of the elders who were known as the Aereopagus 6.They helped stop corruption in the jury hear trials2.The jury of 500 who decides3.Made up of citizen4.they have an interest in society5.This is in theory less biased than just a few jury memebers.
(The assembly)1.Group of ordinary citizens who meet 40 times a year2.Roughly 5000 times a year3.must be a citizen4.Task:to pass laws and make important decisions5.Majority rules6.Any citizen could speak
1.second most important after Ekklesia 2.Council of 5003.Task:Decide what issues need to go to the Ekklisia4.Also do governments hand-on work5.Chosen by lot(out of a metaphorical hat)
1.The generals2.Had control of decisions relating to navy and with foreign policy4.Chosen by annual votes5.safeguard against overpower is 'can be put on trial for negligence"
The Boulle
The Strategoi
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