October 9th-The Teaching Of Jesus


First Year SBC BI121 Intro To New Testament Note on October 9th-The Teaching Of Jesus, created by heinrichs.mark on 09/10/2013.
Note by heinrichs.mark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by heinrichs.mark about 11 years ago

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THE LIFE OF JESUS AND RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION     -Resurrection-Understanding-Proof?-Appearances-Commission-AscensionWitness in greek is MARTYR...also another word for death....Jesus was the first witness, and we are called to not only tell others, but to be a living witness of his forgiveness and love.

THE TEACHING OF JESUSINTRODUCTORY OBSERVATIONS   -Jesus life is important, not just his death-Example as well as words...he lived out everything he taught-Mark 1:15 THE KINGDOM:   and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."       -Jesus often spoke in parables....(also used as a divider of sorts, some get it, some don't, some come for more info, others walk away)-Jesus taught a few key sermons-also did have disputes, often with the pharisees etc.(this is often where we see that his "religion" was more than just a jewish faith...it is in the disputes that we see the distinctions and passions in his beliefs-Dialogues (different conversations he has impromptu with people of different walks...we learn a lot from these)-Example (how Jesus lived, the type of people he hung around with and accepted)-----his responses to people and situations: addresses their sin or issues, but accepts them...THE TEACHING OF JESUS: CONTENT- The Kingdom Of God ----in mind of his audience it is a picture that looks more like solomons temple etc.--in Jesus mind it is a world where people surrender to God the King and have everlasting life...peace on earth due to everyones surrender-The Kingdom of God will be in conflict with the kingdoms of this world-the influence of the kingdom will spread beyond the churchKingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven are same thing...."matthew/mark  luke/john"  hhh    The Arrival of The Kingdom-The end of days....-The new age has already begun, it started with jesus coming to earth....we will still go through our conflict and the devil is loose, but the old age is gone....-The King     -a kingdom is only as good as its king....Jesus the Son of God-entrance into the Kingdom: done through faith and repentance...Jesus said "I am the door, no one comes to the father except through me"-Ethics in the Kingdom..how do we live in the kingdom: if we repent and believe, our actions will change, we dont get saved by our actions, but our belief will result in holier actions-The end of the age...Jesus will come and finish what he has started..-The authority of His teaching...Matt 7:28&29:  28  And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching,    29  for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.    

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