October 2nd/2013-The Gospels Cont'd


First Year SBC BI121 Intro To New Testament Note on October 2nd/2013-The Gospels Cont'd, created by heinrichs.mark on 02/10/2013.
Note by heinrichs.mark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by heinrichs.mark about 11 years ago

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MARK:Author is most likely "John Mark" of the bible, not a disciple, but missionary companion for both Peter and Paul. Cousin of Barnabas, went on mission with Paul and Barnabas in Acts 12 and left them...Barnabas and Paul ended up splitting due to inner conflict surrounding this. Later it sound like he reconciled with Paul.The assumption is also that the words of Mark were actually those of Peter, and were written down by Mark. Reflects what he has been told and heard from the disciples.Date is most likely somewhere around 55 AD. (James and Galatians prob earliest at 50AD)..Audience is most likely Roman, as jewish customs and rituals are explained throughout.Mark is shorter than the other gospels...has 5 unique stories...less teaching and more action...only 18 of the 70 parables....but more miracles than Matthew or Luke...offers more of a personal reaction of the people....more detailed stories than Matthew or Luke...less stories...more content in each..Mark also has a very unique opening, jumps straight into the story with "the beginning of the gospel....and jumps right into it...no birth narrative as with Luke, John, Matthew"Messianic Secret: telling disciples and others not to tell about his miracles and works.Conclusion: Mark16:9-20: Was not included in original....debated by scholars as to authenticity, etc....most early manuscripts do not have these verses."Jesus is the Son Of God who suffers to redeem mankind, and we must follow him"Outline:Ministry in and around GalileeMinistry in Judea and PereaThe Passsion

LUKE:Author: Luke and Acts written by same author. The author is never identified in the Gospel, although through references we can figure it out. Unsure if he was a Gentile or a Jew, but thought to be Gentile. he was not a disciple, he wrote the book through careful research. In Acts, He also kept a very good record of all the trips he accompanied the disciples on.Date: Somewhere around 60 ADAudience: Theopholis specifically but generally for a Greek Gentile audience.Characteristics:The introductionThe genealogyThe longest Gospel10 Chapters on the "travel narrative"The first of two volumesEmphasis on women and the poorEmphasis on discipleshipThe sovereignty of GodThe Holy SpiritOutline:Birth of Jesus (Ch1&2)Preparation for Ministry (Baptism and Temptation ch.3)Ministry in and around Galilee (4-9)Ministry in Judea and Perea (10-19)The Passion (19-24)

JOHN-THE SEPARATE GOSPELSimilarities with the Synoptics (Matt, Mrk, Lk)John is known as the Gospel in which a child can wade, and an elephant can swim. It is simple, but deep.(John was known as "the elder", was the theologian and last witness....wrote around 90ADSame charactersSame places (but Jesus spends more time in Judea)Sam controversies with Jewish leaders (healing on sabbath, proclaiming to be king)Same use of the OTDifferences from SynopticsTheological Introduction: Parallel to Genesis, the creation....but now instead of the World, it is the "Word", and "Jesus" that has come.Three Year time sequenceMuch new material: 93%Fewer miracles-no excorcisms or casting out of demons.Only 7 miracles, and they are called "signs"No parablesMany important historical events missing: no birth narrative, no baptism, no temptation, no transfiguration, no lords supper, no Gethsemane, no ascensionJohn only mentions the "kingdom" 3 timesJesus referred to as "Son of Man" or "Son of God" Appears that John had read the other Gospels and had the benefit of leaving out what they had already said and focusing on the significance of Jesus, his life, and his teachings. Wanting us to really understand the point. Written as an evangelistic call to faith.Author:John, the elder...he is a pastor...the only one of the twelve to die of old age. He was exiled to Pasapus where he later wrote Revelation.Audience: Churches of Asia Minor. Both Jews and Gentiles.Johns theology leans heavily on the Old Testament, but also contains alot of Greek style thought and speech.Characteristics:Very simple language, short sentencesVery theological (The deity of Christ, Jn1:1, 1:18,  8:58, 14:9, 20:28)---7 I am statements: bread of life, light, door, good shepherd, resurrection, way-truth-life, vine---7 "signs": water into wine, etc. etc....not just random miracles...signs that point to the revelation of Jesus as Son of God.Double meanings/comparisons--"bread for the hungry/water for the thirsty, death/life, etc."Highly personal...a call to faith from "the one who Jesus loved"....examples of love to others...Nicodemus, LazarusMentions "God My Father" 138 times, Belief 98 times, Life 36 times, Love 39 timesOutline:Prologue (Jn 1)Preparation for Ministry (Jn 1-2)Ministry: Signs and Discourses (Jn 2-11)Passion WeekResurrectionEpilogue (Conversation with Peter)

THE LIFE OF JESUS-Jesus Birth: cosmic event, angels appear etc., somewhere around 5 BC-Early life in Nazareth in Galilee-Followed in his fathers footsteps as builder (etc.)-No record of time in between his birth and baptism (besides 12 yr old in temple)The Beginning of His Public Ministry-Baptism by John-TemptationThe Mission-Opening up the definition of the People of God-Matthew 9:9-13: I have come to call sinners-Matthew 8:10-12: The outsiders are inThe Miracles-Healings (blind see, lame walk etc)-Exorcisms (Jesus shows his authority over demons)-Nature (authority over creation)-calms the sea, the wind-Resurrections (authority over life and death)-Why?: To give evidence...no miracles just for fun...all meet a specific need...Final Trip to Jerusalem-The turning point (Jesus asks if they have gotten it, if they are ready)-Confession-Prediction of Jesus' death-Transfiguration-The journey (to the cross, conflict with Jews)Last Days and Crucifiction-Last supper-Betrayal-Gethsemane-Arrest-Jewish Trial-Roman Trial-Crucifiction-Resurrection-Understanding-Proof?

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