

First Year SBC BI121 Intro To New Testament Note on November-13th, created by heinrichs.mark on 13/11/2013.
Note by heinrichs.mark, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by heinrichs.mark almost 11 years ago

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1 CORINTHIANS - THE BASIS OF UNITY-The Cross of Christ - 1:13, 17, 18, 2:2, 3:1, 6:11, 15:3-4- The Resurrection- Love2 CORINTHIANS- Occasion of 2 Corinthians: reveals Pauls inner view of Corinthians. Defends his own authority as an apostle. "I know I sound crazy...but I do have authority.." written about 56AD, he had a "sorrowful visit" to Corinth earlier..and now has some fairly harsh things to say to them..he speaks about his imprisonment, trials and sacrifices for God and the church, and as such his authority- OUTLINECh. 1-7: Paul's MinistryCh. 8-9: Generosity and GivingCh. 10-13: Paul's Defense of his own authorityDISTINCTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS- Suffering ie: Paul's Suffering in 11:21-29, Suffering is good in 1:9, 12:9-10Although Paul has been whipped at least 5 times, those wounds heal but the real suffering is waking up every day worrying about his ministry and the churchIt was healthy for Paul and the other apostles to suffer for when they were faced with death they learned to trust in God..if you are scared of death you are held back in ministry.- The Nature of the Apostolic Ministry---The Apostles: 1Cor 4:9-13 (the apostles suffered greatly and are not considered highly but as "the scum of the earth")---Reconciliation: 2Cor 5:18-20 (as Christ reconciled the world to him on the cross, so must our duty as christians be to reconcile each other)---Authority: 2Cor 13:10 (Paul has seen and suffered greatly and has much experience so he deserves some respect and has authority to write and preach as he does)- Generosity: 2Cor 9:6-72 CORINTHIANS ON PASTORAL MINISTRY- The weak and troubled experience of the minister- The integrity of the minister before God and people- The power of God to sustain the minister and make the ministry productive (I am weak but God is strong)

GALATIANS- Paul and Galatia (Galatia was on the first missionary journey where many Gentiles have been saved...but not yet circumcised, it was easily accessible by land so was the site of a few missions trips)- The Galatian Situation (many gentiles that had accepted Christ but were not circumcised or adhering to some of the old laws were causing issues with the Jews that were trying to make them conform and adhere to the old laws)Paul writes to address specifically: circmucision, as it appears that Paul has come and baptized many Gentiles, and others have followed behind him saying "you have been saved now you must be circumcised)OUTLINE OF GALATIANS- Intro and Purpose- Defense of Paul's Apostleship (to affirm that he met Christ and has the authority to say and instruct as he does, and that his word should be final, not those who come after him)- Defense of the Doctrine: Faith and Freedom Ch.5:1"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free"- Living Free- ConclusionGALATIANS CONTRIBUTIONS FAITH AND LAW- The central question: Is salvation by works of the law or by the hearing of faith?- No one is justified by the law (Ch.2:16, 2:21) when you are saved by faith and turn back to the law you are slandering Christ and essentially saying he is not enough.- Even Abraham was saved by faith (Ch.3:6-9)(3:29)- Relying on the law: not wrong to observe the law, wrong to rely on it- Children of the free woman - Circumcision was the test (not the requirement)LIVING FREE- "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free"Chapters 5 and 6 are the "imperative or command"- License for sin? (Obviously not)- The high call of the Spirit- above the law (a call to do more than is expected and live like Christ)

THE PRISON EPISTLES- Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon---Were written in about 70 AD, and by now the Christian Church was considered a religion of some merit and size---Written during Paul's 4th trip to Rome---The Church is seen separately from Jews for the most partEPHESIANS- Paul and Ephesus: he took his longest trip and stay here, it was a major port and the center of worship to Artemis(Diana)- The Unity of the Church: unity of Jew and Gentile, and the necessity to by united with everyone- Outline---Opening, The Meaning of Christ and His work, The Christian Response, ClosingCONTRIBUTIONS- Christ's Cosmic Reign (Ch. 1:18-23)- One man in Christ (Ch.2:11-22) Jew and Gentile are now one, the wall has been broken down,we are all one in building blocks with Christ as the cornerstone- Building Unity in Love (Ch.4:1-6, Ch.4:11-13) - Haustafeln (House Tablets or Laws) ie: wives submit, husbands love, slaves obey, masters treat your slaves well- The Spiritual Battle (The armour of God, etc...we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and the power of darkness)PHILIPPIANS- Paul and Philippi (site of the second missionary journey)- Paul's Passion - 1:20-21, 3:4-11 (more of an emotional rambling letter than a clear set of instructions)- Humility - Ch.2:5-11 (God humbled himself, emptying himself to become Jesus, and then exalted him to become Lord...2:5-11 is a very strong statement on the glory and deity of Christ) - Christology - 2:5-11- Joy and Peace - 4:4-9 (be joyful instead of anxious, and the peace of God will be with us, and in times of struggle the God of peace will also be with us)COLOSSIANS- Paul and Colossae (most likely Paul's believer Epaphras started a church in Colossians during Paul's 3 year ministry in Ephesus)- Relation to Ephesians (twin letters)- Outline---Greetings, Thanksgiving, Prayer---Christ's Person and Work---Christian Response---GreetingsCOLOSSIANS SITUATION AND CONTRIBUTION- Gnosticism, but more likely a Jewish mysticism...was threatening the church- Worship of Angels....Deity of Christ.... (Ch. 1:15-20) (Ch.2:9-15)- Asceticism.....Love, not rules.. (Ch.2:23) defeat your sinful nature by loving and living like Christ, not by making and following rules- Philosophy....Christ the Wisdom..(Ch.2:8) (Ch.2:2-3) - Chapter 3....the Christian response: "therefore, if you have been raised with Christ keep seeking the things that are above where Christ is"  (look higher than earthly things)- Set your hearts and minds..........- Love one another (Fruit of the Spirit, etc..) Love is the perfect bond of Unity.- Be thankful (Ch.3:15-17)- And do it all in the name of Jesus

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